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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NITROX

  1. Day 1: [NTS] My name is Mohammed [ CENA ]
  2. screenshot ?
  3. Hummmm.... nah ! You could put it as it was before, to see if this problem is solved once and for all !!!
  4. Give me money vadia o/ Buena Surte o/
  5. The problem is not the game mode itself, but the players who buy the same map 20 times daily everyday, even not making top and even with few players online, and it is always the same maps SHStayRight and SHLifeWaste, type , before we had problems with players buying the same NTSMarathon all day, but now that the problem has been banned (yes you know what I'm talking about) came these new players to transform the MIX into a SH server with MegaJimp... All game modes are good and require luck and skill, but it would be nice to put a limit to purchase certain maps on the server, nothing more than that. Bad english sry
  6. Just #DeleteVortex&Dozer, its easy !!!
  7. MrGreen has 2 servers you can choose, Race seever or SH Mega jump server, You choose o/ ....... no, wait !
  8. Goodbye, until Christmas next year o/

    hi :)

    Hey o/
  10. ~ > > Press Shift for Super Jump < < ~ Used in maps LifeWaste, StayHigh, Dançando II, Etc... 1º - Download the file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A39Yfkd_ZqYzhrXSTpT-tKVXwVAozKAc 2º - Extract the file "SuperJump-Nx.lua" inside the folder of your map 3º - Open the "meta.xml" file of your map and add the line: <script src="SuperJump-Nx.lua" type="client" /> 4º - To change the distance from the jump open the file "SuperJump-Nx.lua" and go to the line "setElementVelocity(theVehicle,vx,vy,0.5)" . 5º - To increase the distance of Super Jump just change the "0.5" to any other value ( a greater value increases the distance of the jump, and a lesser value decreases the distance from the Jump ) Merry Christmass - o/ - #DeleteVortex&Dozer
  11. Restart MTA
  12. #DeleteDozer and #VortexNotIsCar #MerryChristmass o/
  13. Let's get that, MrGreen is a server dedicated to European players, and the rest that explodes... I wonder if it was on the contrary, whether the server was hosted in Indonesia or here in Latin America, I am absolutely sure that all Europeans would ask to increase the ping limit saying that it would not affect the game. But the way is to be content to play the night since we have no other choice.
  14. Day 1: [NTS] My name is Mohammed [ CENA ] Day 2: [SH] Dançando #II Day 3: [SH] Samba do Brasil v1
  15. NITROX

    My dream

    #Stig is noob
  16. NITROX


  17. Diga bubiça qual é o seu problema ?
  18. NITROX


    Merry Christmass #DeleteDozer #DeleteUltraMarathon #VortexNotIsCar Hu3Hu3BRBRR Happy new year Android is Power Cry IOS cry AméricA PoweR Stig is noob Give me money Lag is Power Celeron is Life Shit forklift Spam Spam Spam Pelos poderes de Grayskull eu tenho a força ! Spam o/
  19. Home: Mobile 4G:
  20. Thank you for remembering #DeleteDozer #VortexNotIsCar #DeleteUltraMarathon bye and merry christmass o/
  21. 1* #VortexIsBoatNotCar

    2* #DeleteDozer

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. eL_AsS


      Vortex is a hovercraft

      From wikipedia: "Hovercraft are hybrid vessels operated by a pilot as an aircraft rather than a captain as a marine vessel."

      See fags i was right, its more a plane than a boat. Add vortex to aircraft cps

      Nuff said

    3. Maher


      I told you

    4. NITROX


      Die Vortex dieeeeeee

  22. #DeleteDozer #VortexIsBoat_NotCar
  23. #DeleteDozer #DeleteUltraMarathon
  24. Buena suerte o/
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