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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Danni

  • Birthday 05/02/1992

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  • Location
    Odense, Denmark
  • Interests
    Working, smoking, drinking, studying. Not boring, especially not the last one..

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  1. Good luck with the server management
  2. Looking good ya'll.. Hope I can fit in
  3. I am keen on making a cs:go surf server.. Perhaps modded with deathmatch mod and/or rpg.. Said surf servers were extremly popular back in the css days, and by the looks if it - it remains so in cs:go. I think we stand a good chance in making a good cs:go server.
  4. More questions can be added. - How much will it cost? - Is it like "your own" server - meaning you will have full control of everything? (admins, mods etc.) - Any limitations to what games we can create servers for? - If said person purchased a server from Mr. Green, and it got popular -say some players might donate. Will the money go into Mr. Green's pockets straight away, or will the server bill get paid first and rest goes to Mr. Green - Support?
  5. Not a bad idea at all. I have so many questions to it though, but I guess you're making a plan of some kind
  6. I definitely have to agree that servers for newer games is a way forward, but having servers for old games should be fine as well. Of cause server space has to be taken into consideration. We could create some servers for X game for limited time to see if enough players will play that particular game/mod so it makes sense to keep and maintain $$$ @madkiller nice to hear that the ZS is getting some love once again. I don't have experience with MTA DM servers, I was thinking san andreas multiplayer dm. I guess either would work though @necrrossin perhaps not, but you can make it live for a very long time if you take proper care In the end, it's up the Ywa/Clavus. I assume they're still in charge here
  7. Heya everybody I guess some of you might remember me so no further introduction is needed. Otherwise just read my profile or introduce yourself thread Is it just me, or is this forum kinda sleeping? Considering how active this community once was it makes me kinda sad to see 2012 threads in the end of this sub-forum. We had an awesome and very popular (old) ZS server, great css servers and a fucking nice active forum + IRC. So... I can't really find any lists of server? The ZS server is pretty much empty (24/7?) and the only thing that seems to keep this alive is the MTA server. I think we can all make this very active again. The steam group has 1.700 members, so group bulletins will reach a fair amount of people. Besides it's summer holidays, the time of the year where people have the most time to play games. Perhaps it is time to create some new servers, maybe a new css server, gta:sa DM server or a 3rd option? Just a few suggestions. What do you think? (or am I complete off-track with this thread?) Best regards, Danni
  8. 56k modem?
  9. My speed has improved significantly since I made this thread back in 2009
  10. Are you sure she was Danish? If so, she needs to be kicked out of the country.

  11. I've been called Danni since I was 6yo.
  12. Danni


    Admin apps go here: http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/forum/27-admin-applications/
  13. hackers whining..

  14. Danni

    Are you sane?

    Oh, fuck yes.. Edited it, thank you
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