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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mayco

  1. Mayco


    I can totally respect people that believe in a God, just not when they come with bogus claims without any source backing it up. Your sources however, have been far from up-to-date or haven't been confirmed. Although in most cases you had no source. Don't get me wrong, I can only respect you for finding comfort in thinking there is a God, and finding comfort in thinking people have souls (that go to heaven). It's actually a nice thought, but you shouldn't try to back it up with scientific evidence. Because there is none. And you know that just as well as I do.
  2. Mayco


    Let me quote you this: Source And this: Source
  3. Mayco


    It's simply impossible for me because there's no solid proof of God. And I need solid proof before I believe in something.
  4. Mayco


    One of the things science hasn't explained yet. Although there are a LOT of researches trying to find out how it all happened. They don't settle with "well it simply just suddenly happened lol", unlike most religious folks. According to Christianity, God created everything on Earth. According to The Book of Genesis, the universe was more like, "scenery", although God really put a lot of effort in creating Humans and everything to suit them. If he get sucked in by a black hole (HE CREATED), how can he be all-powerful. Also, you're leaving off at the dinosaurs, ultimately leading to humans being able to live on the surface. With that you're saying that evolution is true. What's up with that? Oookaaaay... Where does God get into the picture here? I can see that. Biggest bullshit I have ever heard. Got a source on that?
  5. Mayco


    I think you should look up the defintion of God. Question, are you religious to a certain degree? Seeing how you believe in heaven?
  6. Mayco


    If it hasn't created us, and it has no control, how is it a God? About the building part: If God is all-powerful, but not willing to save the person falling from the building? He's a lousy God I wouldn't put my trust in, let alone pray to/believe in. Is he willing, but does he not have the power? Then he's not all-powerful and not really a God. If he's both willing and able, why does the person still splatter on the pavement? EDIT: With "lousy" God, I mean he's unloving and not interested in you/your life, because he doesn't give two shits about you dying a horrible death. Why would you believe in someone like that and spend time on him?
  7. Mayco


    So basically you think there's another life form that's superior to us, but not related to us? That's not really related to God/religion, is it?
  8. Mayco


    I honestly don't need answers on everything. I do believe that basically everything CAN be answered with science, but I'm not saying everything HAS been proven with science, and some things might never be answered. For me it's simple: I don't believe in an all-knowing, all-powerful being which created life. I'm also not 100% sure about the big bang theory, but it's the most believable theory out there. Why? Because there's proof. Scientific proof. Some people simply feel the need to know the answer to the big question, and for most of them the definite answer is God. Personally, I don't need to know the answer, because chances are we won't figure it out. Ever. Anyway, like I said before, I don't care/am not bothered by other people's religion as long as they keep it to themselves. Some people just want to believe there's something up in the sky, watching over them. That's fine with me. All in all: If you jump from a tall building, no matter what religion you are, you're gonna end up splattered on the pavement no matter what. There's not someone in the sky who's going to save you. The only people that can save you are the paramedics. Ofcourse, if a religious nut jumped off a building and barely survived it, but got patched up by a medical science, he would pass it off as an "act of God". That's how it works, unfortunately.
  9. Mayco


    Shouldn't an all-knowing and all-powerful being be able to write a book with rules that don't get old? Or atleast tell his people what the rules are/get someone to write his word down again?
  10. Mayco


    Why take an outdated book as advice? Doesn't that say something about the religion you're following?
  11. Mayco


    I never understood this. You get a holy book stating the rules with a fancy story attached to it (Bible, Qur'an, you name it), and still people decide what they listen to and what they ignore. What gives them the authority or the power to do so? You get a book, it contains the word of your "God", and still you think "You know what, God is cool and all, but I don't think I have to follow all of his rules to go to heaven!". I know a lot of stuff from the Bible is stupid or impossible/hard to follow these days (no sex before marriage, the pope telling you not to use condoms, or how you shouldn't molest young boys), and that's a reason for me to believe that the Bible (or religion in general) does not belong in our current, modern lifestyle. I believe it was just used to keep the people satisfied without them asking any questions. Because that's the only way to get into heaven. This was very useful for the governments, they could just use their power in any way they wanted to use it and claim "God" told it to them in some kind of way. Also very useful for the churches, because they could get money (like the "instantly remove your sins"-cards) and support (for wars for example) easily. All in all, I think our current religion is just a spin-off of the more brutal religion we had in the past. Some people still feel safe knowing that there's an all-knowing being watching over them, others have been influenced at a young age. They have been influenced so much they can't believe anything different from their view. Personally, I hope religion will become a thing of the past someday, or atleast have less influence in our world. Although I doubt it.
  12. I use it, I don't speak Spanish. Anyway, please try to use English instead of Spanish from now on.
  13. Well not really, you COULD buy it from Steam.
  14. Translated from Spanish by Google: Okay good, problem solved. Have fun playing.
  15. You should buy it. Besides that, there's no Counter Strike 1.8. Make your girlfriend and your friend that mooches off you get a job. That way you and your pet can share the money and you can buy shit you like.
  16. Mayco


    Sorry, I didn't read the thread, but I did read: You are saying you are an atheist, but that you also believe there is a God or a "higher power". You can't be atheist and still believe, the defintion of atheist is: Personally, I'm an atheist. I just don't believe in a God or a higher power. Nontheless, I do respect other people's religion, as long as they don't flail it around in public and rub it in other peoples faces. I don't do that with atheism either.
  17. New model, it's was sort of "requested" by someone I know in real life: Render (Vray): Wireframe: Note that this version of the revolver is entirely polished, just so a decent looking render could be made. It's also still WIP, needs some tweaks and (a lot) more details. Based on this gun (Smith & Wesson M500 Silver). You can comment here, but ofcourse you already knew that.
  18. Mayco

    Happy birthday!

  19. Studies: - Currently: High school, studying "Culture & Society". It's pretty shitty, because it has to do with art and shit. I picked it because I don't have to do maths, and I totally suck at maths. I simply can't afford to fail school. I do have the subject "Management and Organisation" which I want(ed) to continue with, and go for the same study Jeremiah is going for, "International Business and Management" in college. Unfortunately this also involes maths, and that makes it difficult/uncertain. - Following studies: No idea. If Managament and Organisation goes well, I'll follow the International Business and Management study. If not, I really have no idea. Job: - Currently: Working at McDonalds for the minimum wage of €3,91 an hour (minimum wage for an 18-year old in Holland). Although the payment sucks, it's a fun job with lots of nice people. - Followed by: Hell I dunno, anything can happen. EDIT: To follow the topic rules: Study - What is it like (What you do there, if it isnt obvius) Pretty boring, most subjects are uninteresting. - Do you like it? Not very much, but it's okay - How long days you got? From like, 8:00 'till 15:00 - Payment? None Job - What is it like (What you do there, if it isnt obvius) Make burgers, make fries, pack food, stock freezer, clean restaurant etc. etc. Everything basically. - Do you like it? Yep, although the work you do can really kill your brain because it's so repetitive. - How long days you got? Depends, my work adapts to my school. Average work day is from 17:00 'till 23:00 (during holiday). But I can also start at 8:00 or work 'till 1:00 - Payment? Minimum wage, €3,91 per hour. When I work quite a lot, that results in 500 bucks in one month.
  20. Stop the goddamn PC vs Mac discussion. If you are morally offended by someone who owns an Apple product, keep it to yourself. ERROR thinks his HTC HD2 is the shit, Besweet thinks his iPhone 4 is awesome, but all in all they're both just good phones with their own pros and cons. People are entitled to their own opinions and taste, so let them be. Or atleast discuss it in the proper topics/rage at eachother in IRC.
  21. Although I haven't played it in a while, I'm sure I'll get into it when Notch releases enemy mobs and maybe the speculated Zombie Outbreak gamemode (build fort at day, fend off zombies at night)
  22. Mayco

    Fuck this photo!

    There it is
  23. But buying one of those cards is gonna cost at least 100 euros. You'd be better off saving your money for something that will give you a genuine performance boost. The speed increase with a third gpu for physx will be negligible. Remember, you already have 2 gpus working on the physx and rendering with your GTX 295, don't bother wasting money on another card just for physx. Not saying it's a smart investment, just saying it'll work
  24. This is completely possible. Any 8000 series card and above can be used for PhysX. I'm currently using a GTX 295 for rendering and my old 8800 GTX for PhysX. Just make sure you get pretty fast card (like the 9800GTX+ or the GTX 260). I once used a 9500 GT for PhysX, and it gave really bad results.
  25. More gold: Destruction of someone's house: Remains of Kathedrax (the huge floating castle thing): Oh and there was a penis attached to the cactus-statue thing
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