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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mayco

  1. On Minecraft, we mine lava
  2. Locking topic for now (turned into a flamewar). Everything will be reviewed by the TopCrew and from there a conclusion will be drawn.
  3. I'll pay you 21k for it (in Runescape ofcourse)
  4. You should totally save up for Mithril bolts, so you get 50 XP and make great bolttips. You should only do this if you have the Mithrol bar (so you can make the bolttips). After this you should use your fletching skill to attach feathers to it (level 54 feathers only though).
  5. How about the noclipping in the first screenshot? Also, I went through some bans Nobana made, and none of them had a strange reason. Well except for "Jerking off and wouldnt stop"
  6. Goddamn that looks nice, can't wait to play in it!
  7. If that was true, I'd be a lucky man. What?
  8. You are aware it has a monthly fee system, right?
  9. The beta is an early version of the game, so if the beta is shit, the entire game is. I don't think the beta has friend codes. I'm not even sure if it's still in beta.
  10. Played the beta, was dissapointing.
  11. Congrats
  12. Looks fantastic, Clavus
  13. I never really had a hangover. I don't know exactly why, but to get home I have to cycle ~30 minutes (7 KM) and I always drink some ice tea when I'm home. The following morning my head is a bit heavy and I can't stop drinking milk, but that's not so bad
  14. Got rid of the theme: I like the iPad wallpaper, but because of it's weird size and Apple's exclusive license, it's hard/impossible to find a normal wallpaper sized version. The only way to solve this is by mirroring the wallpaper, resulting in repeating patterns. I'll unleash my Photoshop skills on the wallpaper tomorrow, but I'm not expecting anything good to roll out. The second screen is a bit "lifted", because my second monitor is a bit lower. Making the screen higher helps the background "going" to the next monitor.
  15. Intelligent people can also watch porn
  16. Mayco


    The problem is, you can't come up with something that hasn't been done before.
  17. Mayco


    Serious requests only! If you want to request something, fill out a "form" like this: To request a model, you need to have a valid usage reason (like a gamemode or a render). Accepted requests: None! Note: I might add more requirements to the form when I'm not sleepy anymore
  18. Mayco


    A seperate topic to keep the "Current Projects" topic clean. Here you can give feedback on my models (both positive and negative). Don't say stuff like "it sucks" or "its awesome", give some actual feedback with arguments!
  19. Current Projects: AK47 Progress: 80% - Basics are done, details aren't. Should also be optimized more for Source. Polycount: 7.485 (Slightly optimized version) Priority: Normal Ported to Source: Only the stripped version of the model, ported to the Source engine by Deluvas. ____________________________ MP40 (Crappy pose done and rendered in 3ds Max 2011) Progress: 70% - Basics are done, details aren't either. Optimization not really needed yet, probably needed for Source. Basics made in one day. Polycount: -Need to check- Priority: High Ported to Source: Unable to port it so far (attempts have been made) Going to add more details and more models tomorrow, this is just a start
  20. The thread actually has some content so far, so I decided not to lock it (YET).
  21. But I think it's better to have one spamtopic, which will decrease spam-posts in other topics (or spamshouts). "Spamshouts" are fine, and there aren't that much spam posts.
  22. This topic is destined to go down the shitter, so I'll monitor it for a while and probably lock it. Just a heads up.
  23. You can do that in English. I'm always on Nuggets ass about him speaking French on the forums.
  24. I suggest you keep typing in English here Mr. Darkness, there's no need for Russian.
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