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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mayco

  1. Here's me dog in a car: And here he is in the garden: Boy are those pics big
  2. Mayco

    Unban me plz

    Whatever happened, it's over now. Locking the topic!
  3. Mayco

    Unban me plz

    It was just a 3 hour period? Oh well, now it doesn't matter anymore.
  4. Mayco

    Unban me plz

    Giving out a permanent ban for blocking is a bit too much. Go ahead and unban him.
  5. The current problem is that IRC no longer has server echos (just MTA). This allowed admins (and everyone else interested) to read the server chat. Due to technical problems, these echos no longer work (correctly). These echos were very useful, because most admins can't be online (or in-game) 24/7 because they have a job or school. The only solution is recruiting more admins, but this is up to the topcrew.
  6. They also used the French flag for Holland Learn to read the topic, it has been stated several times (by me) that the forum is a parody.
  7. It's not pessimistic, it's commonly known as a troll forum on Facepunch/Something Awful. I believe it even says so in the small letters in the disclaimer. Oh, here you go: http://www.landoverbaptist.org/tos.html Scroll down and read the spoiler at the bottom of the page.
  8. That's a waste of time, but whatever floats your boat
  9. Like I said, it is indeed fake.
  10. It's true, it can't be: It's a troll/fake forum. Still kind of fun to read, but knowing it's fake it kind of takes the best part away.
  11. I love myself, mainly
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7htwIUr95M There you go. Use [media ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7htwIUr95M[ /media] tags without spaces.
  13. I ported some Oblivion models to GMod. This isn't really a mentionable project actually, just an attempt to porting. These are the results: (I gave the chair a random scale and forgot to scale the sheep) Porting from Oblivion is really easy. If I could compile ragdolls I'd rig 'n bone the sheep, but because I can't compile it anyway I didn't bother to.
  14. Didn't see this topic yet, but I don't think BANNING immitators (that immitate a non-admin) is a good punishment. Especially not a permanent ban. Clans are none of our business really, because they are not associated with Mr. Green. If someone puts a clantag like "aLw" or something in their name, it's the clans problem. A kick is really the highest tolerable punishment. Immitating someone (excluding admins) is NOT a bannable offense.
  15. Mayco


    Didn't see your edit You do need to place (or rather, keep) the .bat file in the same directory as the .dll files.
  16. Mayco


    You need to: - Make sure the files are there (like Ywa said) - Make sure writing to system directories is possible - Make sure you haven't removed the %WINDIR% system variable for some reason
  17. Mayco


    Either: - Hold shift in the map where the .bat file is located - Right click, press "Open Command Prompt" - Type "register.bat" in the prompt and wait for the results Or: - Add "pause" to the bottom of the bat file, run it and give the results
  18. You're being given the benefit of the doubt. I'll unban you right after I post this. However, the admins will keep an eye on you, and you won't get another chance after this.
  19. Both parties are guitly. The activists broke a rule, the Israelian (?) soldiers come to stop them (while it's just an aid ship), the activists resort to unneeded violence and the Israelian soldiers solve it with more violence. Although I'm not picking "sides", I think the Israelian soldiers had a better reason to resort to violence, and it looks like the activists just wanted to beat someone. You simply don't beat soldiers with metal pipes without consequences.
  20. Yeah, plenty of cables
  21. hmmh... i tookt your opinion about psu ("dont safe money") and i found this Cooler Master Silent Pro 700W with 115€, good? I have this one, and I can confirm it's good. I do suggest you go a bit lower when it comes to wattage, 600W or even 500W-550W will do the job. Stick with CoolerMaster though.
  22. Mayco


    I hope you're kidding Nope. I'm reading this in nearly every german IT forums. (Chip, Computerbild). Even a free, decent antivirus or removal tool (Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware and the above mentioned Trojan Remover) can get rid of your common virusses in a matter of minutes. Sometimes when I'm really bored, I infect a VM with a sloppy (common) virus to see how long it takes the antivirus to pick it up. This is literally a matter of seconds, even with free programs. If you have something like a rootkit then yes, it might be time to format everything. A common virus (the ones you find in downloads or on websites) are detected and removed completely within seconds.
  23. It's mostly the voltage (or amps or something) on the V12+ rail. This is probably noted somewhere in the PSU specifications list
  24. Mayco


    I hope you're kidding
  25. Your clockspeed is sort of important. The i7 at 2.8 GHz beats a Dual Core CPU at 3.1 GHz any day of the week. Don't worry about it too much.
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