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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Maher

  1. Thanks all
  2. Go see my admin/mod application :)

  3. Gameserver:MrGreenGaming, Mix/Race. Age: 17 Country of origin:Palestine (Israel) Link to Steam Community profile *:--- Minecraft name **:--- Ingame name: Maher Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin/mod: Because I sometimes join in the morning and I see everyone camping, breaking the rules and everything else so I decided to make an admin/mod application to make our server more fun to play and more safer to play, to be like one hand with all players. Now days I'm active and I can help anyone, anything they need I'm here as well. So, I hope I will be an admin or mod this time, because I will really try all my best no matter what And i'd be happy if I'm really fit to be Admin/Mod I sometimes go into the server race/mix and i type /admins , most of the time there is 1 admin which is he afk or even mod, so i just wanted to help you all. Also I am not really sure because if my english is really good or something, i guess. So yeah i posted a photo of me, hope y'all will see it So I also wanted to be admin/mod not because I am a fan of this server, just for fun and let everyone play happily, freely, So i decided to make that application.. Thanks for reading Cheers. Playtime: (School time: 9 - 12 hours in a week) (Breaks: Up to 10 hours per week)
  4. Should i play mta today?

    I will probaly play it today.

  5. That Adidas gorgeous jacket..
  6. Its my birthday MOTHERFUCKERS! 


    1. jack123


        Maher mi amor :birthday:

    2. Ryuu


      Happy Birthday

  7. Should i be a lifetime MTA player?

  8. someone buy me a keyboard omg:blahh:

  9. haters gonna hate elalalala
  10. I'm Back already, All i need now is new keyboard, Cheers

  11. Gym time
  12. Sorry MTA! Had to leave :mellow:

    Bye my friends :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maher


      You too :)

      maybe someday i'll be back.

    3. Maher


      never stop the fap

  13. Good luck brotha
  14. MTA time is off for me, sorry guys.

    1. rui_troia


      Hope you come back, haha ;)

    2. Sky


      Good, go enjoy life

  15. "H... Meh Meh!"

    1. Sky


      Heil Sky Meh Meh!

  16. What's in my mind?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Maher


      No, Not today.

      Studying for a test

  17. if you comment i will find you and kill you

  18. What if...

    1. race


      my grandpa goes died

  19. My parents are back so they are no longer divorced, Thank god❤

  20. My parents arw back to each other.. thank god♥

  21. Good luck kebaba
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