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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Albzi

  1. I'll watch any film. I'm not fussed.
  2. Albzi

    CS:S Stock

    My heros <3
  3. One on the right?
  4. Albzi

    CS:S Stock

  5. Oh man. Now I can't play online either. :<
  6. Put your fog distance right down, so that you can hardly see your hand. Maybe that'd help? Also, I tried adding more to the water slide, but I think I failed. Oh, and added a support or two also.
  7. But he thought about it first (regardless how much thought went into it), otherwise he wouldn't of typed it. Therefore, not random.
  8. He didn't say random things @ Sneed. Random would be implying that he wasn't looking at his keyboard and smashes random buttons then posted.
  9. Why does clavus name his maps 'cocks'?
  10. Haha, poor Pufulet! You can set the mode to peaceful you know, so no more creepers (although it isn't as fun).
  11. Never mind!! Just saw IRC topic, I am legend seems a good choice!
  12. Good luck, I guess.
  13. The map has still grown a little in size, is someone still exporing? Also, thank you for your reply @ Mr.Layer
  14. Yeah, sorry. Diamond, not crystal.
  15. I have a question... When I get my account, will there still be any place left to build a house? The thing is, new players wont have as much resources because the regulars have taken it + the only way to get it is by adventuring. (Getting crystal is also a beeeeetch).
  16. Wasn't me, after you told me that it's a pain to handle, I didn't do it. (Infact, I haven't been on since I think).
  17. Awesome, I'll purchase the game a few days after this, so it'll be nice!
  18. Fewk it. I'ma go with real films. Tarzan (Love this film!!) Finding Nemo The new Toy story? Hercules
  19. I take it heavies get killed first because they're the slowest?
  20. I'm starting to explore as far as I can.
  21. Sorry, I didn't know if it was the stream + IRC or just the stream.
  22. Will it be accessable from the IRC again from left4green.com/stream? That was also good for the people who couldn't make it in-game but still online. I think Some new films that have been out should be put on. (Karate kid, Kick-ass etc) although maybe some Will Smith films? (I think they're good).
  23. I share with QTesla, so Userpl0xlel, although he plays it more than I do.
  24. Gah. I read the first post but posted in here anyway. Sorry Boter.
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