1. Your ingame name Westheim 2. Date of your ban 13-9-2015 (9-13-2015:america.time) 3. What game/server are you banned from MTA 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) Retard.Cena.MAD.SDK 5. Reason why you got banned i insulted Retard and Megas and it was my own fault 6. Reason why we should unban you cuz i find it an too long ban maybe 2 weeks is better than 3 weeks! 7. Post your SteamID if you're banned on a Source-based game (Minecraft and MTA are excluded)! ////// 8. If banned on MTA, post your IP (http://www.myipaddress.com/) and MTA serial, (start MTA -> press F8 -> type serial) 1837104C50C83BAFDFEBC8067DDCC7B2 This is the reason i raged at Retard the reason is why im banned is an stupid player [Cancer]@Uto joined Mix i asked Retard to change the name but he said no he dont use it to someonethats the reason i raged sooo much at Retard and i asked face [ (O)_(O) ] with u [Race] and he changed it and he asked me why retard dont diddint do it i said that reason ^^^^