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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by race

  1. race

    should i?

  2. lel i waited 3 years for this. 500 content count finaly can change my rank xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Micha3lo
    3. r0cK


      Damn! I have to wait one more year I think hehe

    4. ChickenAttack
  3. Goodluck
  4. race

    Mad's admin app

    Good luck mad!
  5. race

    Log İn

  6. haha Welcome back mate. i see you listened to @BlueYoshi97 and made an account!
  7. great joke
  8. and you need to stop cry or u get ban
  9. ye my fps is always low when i am on mrgreen my ping is fine but when i do other things outside mrgreen my fps is constant 90 - 100
  10. i agree with Sandy
  11. Good Luck Maher!
  12. Welkom terug!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Maher


      That song is too cancer4me

    3. Criss Elena

      Criss Elena


      Lol ,I do not expect you to translate into Romanian.. it is very nice of you. The words are not that bad.:bon:

    4. r0cK


      I have nothing better to do ^^

  14. u think at every word thats its insult. its not. learn
  15. grander please stop making onion useless post
  16. i also will not be there i have a party sorry guys
  17. Ghost world nunchuck guy
  18. the end
  19. nothing
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