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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by race

  1. Jap. CTF blijft. punt uit. je speelt niet meer eens.
  2. DD. is a classic Gamemode and it belongs to MrGreen. About Manhunt. i heard it alot of times. i never played it. so it sounds cool.
  3. @Goldberg fix list again. some players are inactive and some players are kicked / leaved
  4. race


    1. Maher


      Once im black i will never be back

  5. race

    Show your car

  6. race

    Show your car

  7. if we delete DD. besweeet cant abuse anymore in dd
  8. Name: JansseJr [CTF] Cookie
  9. name of player: cgursoy server: mix reason for reporting: blocking proof:
  10. fuckboi come back to server.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChickenAttack


      why do kangaroos fap?

    3. HeArTBeaT


      first ask yourself WHAT IS a fap.... what does it represent?

    4. ChickenAttack


      A fap is what in what sense? Socratic sense? Parmenides? Heraclitus? What would Saint Augustine say about fapping?

  11. race

    Admin application

    r0ck we hadden het niet altijd goed samen. maar ik kan het toch goed met je vinden. ik hoop echt dat je admin word. dat verdien je ook je hebt men stem ( ps boeit me niet of deze mee telt )
  12. no that are channels no rooms lol
  13. Wes. please start coding. ill give u 2 years.
  14. well all perks 1 time buy xD
  15. Bring health transfer back only if its 1 time buy. not every month
  16. Delete CG not CTF. CTF is classic. and its also a chill mode. if someone needs to be afk for a lil sec. this gamemode is good. Cargame is just awfull\ well CTF needs to stay!
  17. race

    r0ck you got a nice profile photo there!

    1. r0cK


      Because I'm defending BURGERKING against McDonalds in MIX server :)

    2. race
    3. Maher


      Arab food > Burger KIng & McDonalds

  18. i cant be at the event, sadly. well next event ill be there!
  19. @DriveHardGetDirty
  20. Maybe you need to putin the internet cable
  21. race


  22. Welcome! i am from The Netherlands to. hope i see you on the server
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