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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. EmRA

    Max Payne 3

    I like Angry Birds that means im supporting finnish gaming industry enough
  2. Whenever I come back to my house a tornado has been there
  3. and you just had to quote the whole damn thing to the top of the page good work seriously just also www.youtube.com/watch?v=F84oQejFvss
  4. EmRA

    Max Payne 3

    Hell. Yes.
  5. Hosuli, the goodguy nord archer and his token lizard friend Hassan, the badguy redguard magican Bonus (not really spoiler, just scary as shit):
  6. EmRA

    Max Payne 3

    Wasn't too interested at first but hot damn that latest trailer looks cool. Buying if PC
  7. What load sounds? You mean the BRRRT BRT BR BRR BRR?
  8. yeah that was pretty stupid
  9. How does master difficulty change the gameplay? Enemies have more health?
  10. Can anyone give me free money please? At least 1000€ or I won't accepect it
  11. archer here. I mainly go sneak, but then again I use heavy armor usually I shoot them silently as long as I can and then I just kill the rest of them.
  12. New Enderman and Silverfish sounds: www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzidIsTo-nE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eAypCloefc jesus fucking christ media tags asufhareygfraybra
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5tyba_txXk
  14. Someone doesn't have enough beard in himself to defeat a dragon.
  15. Also: was this posted yet www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsqiSknjHK8 fucking media tags aint working for me again
  16. Dr. Pannenkoek
  17. Console sales get more money from what I hear. We'll get mods anyway, these things will be fixed.
  18. Hosuli joins the club with his respectable sideburns Also how do you grab items? PS. one-eyed nords with facepaint represent
  19. how about donate
  20. My room looks like a war zone again. I like war zones.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xeim


      Hm I just can't restrain myself when i get into EmRA's Room :3

    3. Nobana


      How come my room is always clean. I like handling things diplomatically rather than turning my room to a war zone.

    4. xeim


      Hmm i always clean up EPICLY then after 1 day its back to bf 3

  21. who gives a shit
  22. >Conquest Large >Operation Metro
  23. I killed a guy with a slice of bacon once. While on fire.
  24. I think people just accepect different opinions. Might be easier for your blood pressure
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