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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. Yeah back of the line, timewise I would be first of the reserves but someone forgot to add me
  2. Admins vs. players, not admins vs. forum regulars or admins vs. elitists
  3. Christ, you blinded the poor kid! Happy birthday pal, I can't belive you are already 18.
  4. Well if the rest of the mungols would report in here and the people who recently popped in are added to the list we will be pretty close for another team.
  5. Oh my god I love games where ironsights move like that. Also did I see an AK I'm stupid
  6. How is that a reliable source? They could have been just speculating
  7. Luke, it's stated in the last page. Can we get two player teams, since there seems to be many people willing to enter? with two player teams I mean two teams consisting of regulars
  8. its right there. on this page.
  9. I think they mean that vehicles regen health. And thats what it probably is unless proven otherwise.
  10. good job reading the thread
  11. Shop upgrades on? It's toaim to go shoppen!
  12. Ukko-Pekka? nvm its just another tacticool m14 with a different name Shit, they really are making it hard for me to actually consider my purchase.
  13. Wow first time I see this topic and slots are already full. I'll join if there will be any free. What maps will be played?
  14. Scourge gave us respectable amount of mineral, food and ammunition resources due to their leave from the current map. These resources, along with Scourge's emblem they gave us, now rest inside the safe walls of Mungol.
  15. advance upon me bretheren

  16. Read the thread. If there are any they are here.
  17. Oh really? I never knew about that, thanks!
  18. Mungols basically started the whole raiding thing on l4g. Before that it was just small conflicts.
  19. Anything on pages 4-6 for sale. All the Mann Co. Crates are for free. http://www.tf2items.com/id/EmRAperkele I'm also looking for The Purity Fist (the new robohand for Heavy).
  20. SC2 was the best fucking game ever. Many of my childhood games have already been posted but heres a few more
  21. of course. whew for a second there I actually thought we'd have to remove enemies!
  22. if the site goes down you can't play
  23. IT BEGINS. also according to the comments they have been heard in estonia and latvia as well.
  24. Wait, actually, now that I think of it Battlefield 3 is an absolute no for me. I want to be able to play my games even when EA goes bankrupt.
  25. No we don't. Not anymore. We figured it was way too dishonest way so we decided to quit doing it. I don't ever remember doing that. Just honest fucking shit up.
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