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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. Which is when the part where you tell the person to fuck off and create his own topic comes. Or without the fuck off if he is nice.
  2. Ay ay me breda dansk for the sighnatur, one love. peace
  3. Hey can I have one too? Something with THIS picture and my name on it Otherwise feel free to do that photoshop sorcrery as you please Thanks
  4. Runescape for nostalgia Gladstone Gander vs Fethry Duck
  5. You should put more information in the OP. Right now I have no idea what the game is about other than being about Pokemons, leaving me to assume it's yet another remake, and giving me possibility to do few racist jokes. Unless this topic is only meant for hardcore Pokemon fans, which isn't specified in the OP either.
  6. We'll just have to wait and see.
  7. How could that be even minorly pointless dogs are amazing. Plus its new content!
  8. EmRA


    Ywa is a chicken now, as in source of our breakfast now, not entertainment. I know how it feels bro, but sometimes you have to know when to let go.
  9. Chickens group is lower than greens right? EDIT: right?
  10. haha guess fate was on my side about the stream not working for me EDIT: Higher rank than ywa, got to enjoy the moment
  11. 20:00 GMT
  12. Don't worry ywa, I belive in you!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWLbO8R-v9o&feature=related
  15. Oh my god Gulf of Oman YESSSS
  16. Why are people actually entering with pixel art?
  17. Thanks Hundy EDIT: And everyone else <3
  18. No. You just proved your homosexuality though.
  19. as much as I hope this game to be amazing, I'm not preordering until I see some actual gameplay instead of just few second pieces of singleplayer cinematics. Looking good so far though.
  20. Thats why I just made my pixel art for the shits and giggles, my (and hundred2's) actual entry is coming later.
  21. since when did this thread turn in to minecraft general discussion?
  22. This is a sprite sheet Sprite sheets have sprites
  23. Finally something that isn't pixel art!
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