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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. I prodably would have joined, but my school (if I actually got into any) starts next week, making sundays rather hard (due to times being CET). Besides my spoken english isn't very good and I'm not too talkative in general. How long will the tournament take? Do replacement players have to be good with every class, or do they play specific class? What gamemodes will be played? It is possible for me though, I'll think about it. If I'm joining, I'd like to play Heavy or Scout (I'm really out of shape with Scout though, would require some hardcore practising).
  2. Does that mean you blew it up in the first place..?
  3. Okay fuck you guys. Seriously. Not gonna play on this server again (atleast until the monsters come out). edit: if not even then. edit2: ffffffffffffff
  4. I like it piru, not sure what it is though.
  5. You knew this was going to happen. Sooner or later.
  6. EmRA


    freddiew is at it again. You guys should subscribe to this guy & check his other videos if you haven't already.
  7. MOTHER OF GOD. WHAT HAVE I DONE. It is time for change. From this day on, I will leave sheep and chicken alone, and pigs too mostly. I'm still going to hunt them for food, but thats life. And cows. They creep the fuck out of me and are annoying in general.
  8. I approve this idea. It only customizes the looks, doesn't give any ingame advantages. This is how all the items should be.
  9. If you guys don't follow Notch's blog:
  10. It is not.
  11. You made that from scratch Squirrel? Real nice.
  12. Best: Legend of Zelda games, I keep playing them over and over again every once in a while. Garry's mod, bought it back in year I don't remember and still playing it. Worst: Saints row II, barely played it for 10 minutes. Oh well, atleast it was just 7,50.
  13. I used this program too (mainly to check what my skin looks like and what which part does), I seriously recommend using something like this. Also I agree with Clavus, not every building needs to be a largeass tower. Be creative. If you can't come up with anything cool for a house (I usually have this problem), use the landscape as your advantage. Like on side of the mountain or on top of a big tree?
  14. I mean if he keeps doing it. Sneed is a fine gentleman if he wants to be.
  15. Why not just ban people who keep doing stuff like that? Part of the community or not.
  16. Because the game is so addicting! I'm too lazy to read, but is it a free game? I think not, then I won't spend 10-15 euros on it. Mmmright, I won't buy it, I'll just play the free version if you're all playing it. This aint the free version. The free version sucks. Compared to this stuff what we have atleast. It's worth the 10 bux nugget, if you want to be sure you can always download it less legally and then buy it afterwards.
  17. So many not selfmade skins, ze goggles do nuttin! Going to buy it today, I'll be sure to join you guys then.
  18. Mario, look what I made!
  19. I started a new map, here is my current progress: There is a small mining hut and another house with better lightning around it. Notice that the bigger house is on a floating island.
  20. I'll post some pics too. GENTLEMEN, BEHOLD! My roof: Looking at the silly monsters who ran straight into my trap. Entrance to my first mine. My starting house (which I eventually came back to and upgraded it a bit, as you can see). Main base & the Watchtower. They are connected to eachother by underground (and underwater) passage. The Watchtower. Entrance to the main base through the mine. First floor of the base. Outside the base. I used dirt I had to make this island a bit bigger (for more trees) 2nd floor & entrance to the tower of the base. There is never too much wood, why not plant some on the roof? On top of the tower.
  21. Damn you internet and your credit card requirements! I better try the free version first anyhow to see if I actually like it.
  22. Exorade from facepunch just edited this, what a great man he is.
  23. double post for justice Uncle "Coach" Phil and his nephew Louis get amuh.
  24. Enjoy your trip you two. As for myself, I might be disappearing for few days/weeks every now and then when I'm going to cottage.
  25. EmRA


    Have a nice trip! Also, now that we're getting topics like these all the time, could the next person make a megathread for all notifications like these?
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