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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. Thank god someone gets it.
  2. I did read it. I just informed that I'm not commenting the picture before I'm in it.
  3. What is that place and what is it for?
  4. Don't you already have gmod pose thread? Wheres the topicaboutgmodpose rage? Can I make topics for my gmod poses now? I'm missing. Which means that I'm not commenting before I'm in it.
  5. Oh. Looked paint-ish.
  6. Read the topic title guys, this is "Twiddla, AKA art club of fine gentlemen", as in topic for drawings made in Twiddla. This topic is not for drawings made outside of twiddla.
  7. You have dad as a pet? Sick bastard.
  8. No normal maps on my fun server thank you. Even when I don't really even care anymore because of sv_pure
  9. You don't need any muscles to fly in space silly. I ment mentally. I am.
  10. Squirrel already said Metro 2033, which was correct.
  11. Because I'm less lazy than Boter is. Also, give them suggestions via PM/Steam thank you.
  12. Who the fuck cares about the pay, if you like the job, do it.
  13. You don't need any muscles to fly in space silly.
  14. I'd be guessing around august or september in '09
  15. Wtf @ the story. As for the vehicle chase pic, it reminds me of one of my older poses: Love the gear btw.
  16. Was inspired by the movie we watched yesterday
  17. We seriously should watch Law Abiding Citizen.
  18. tactic00l operator snoipn
  19. The list of stuff we use while posing! TF2 better phys TF2 hacked parts pack TF2 style thompson & shotgun fix Stylish Spy Driver pack TF2 Barret TF2 Deagle We usually have player slots at 3, so there is room for one person + me and lemon. Oh, and remember to take file downloading off from multiplayer options.
  20. Graphic designer or animator or something like that. Oh wait, dream job? Astronaut.
  21. The Scout's head is not a bug, I infilator'd it because it was on the way of the camera. "Why should we hesitate? Let's shoot this RED spy and get done with it!" -Heavy before getting bullet in his head. Quick getaway. (fun fact: the shotgun is the very same heavy was about to shoot the scout with) Ten points to the person who knows the game the first picture is inspired by. Also, I will be posting a list of addons we use while posing (if facepunch is up) when I wake up due to many people wanting to join us.
  22. We have a winner! Rise up your hands for Ni Pah who won this competition with his epic pose! 2nd place goes to EmRA (look at me ma'!) with his exiting pose about tribals! And last but not least, Chikennugget1 takes the 3rd place of 500gc with his collection of poses about columbus! Contact Clavus for your prize. nvm, Clavus will give them to you, no need to bug him about it. Thanks for everyone who entered, be sure to enter next time and tell everyone else to do so! See you around next time! (and yes, you may give me ideas for the next competition now)
  23. I can't belive I forgot this one, the faceposing is PERFECT.
  24. I can fap on my own, but I liked watching the movies. Need more Wall-E or The Road plz Or, what about Law Abiding Citizen?
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