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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. Wow, where did you get that? And it's not messy, they are all in a nice row on the shelve.
  2. Did I post here already? Can't remember.
  3. EmRA

    MW2 + Doom = ???

    Nobana you're messing developers and games up again. Looks really good actually, makes me wish they would have had animating experience like that back in the day.
  4. EmRA

    I'm leaving.

    So wait when are you leaving again? Just thinking since you still seem to be around. Not that there is anything wrong in that.
  5. I played starcraft 1 on lan with my brother few times, seemed like one of those games that are fun when you know what to do (and I didn't so I got bored to my brother kicking my ass pretty fast). I hope the space marines still say: "You wanna piece o' me boeh?"
  6. A server whitelist would be great! Also: http://notch.tumblr.com/post/982299297/seecret-friday-8-oooooooooo
  7. Because Mr.Green is the only community that is going to enter the tournament.
  8. Thats most likely because the terrain is created randomly. EDIT: And so it decided to take inland instead of island.
  9. Sry. rig? you mean computer system? Edit: And if you mean rig in 3DS max, i didnt use one Only bones which came in scouts model Oh what? You need to teach me some stuff then.
  10. I found hatless scout.
  11. rig plz
  12. My eyes, ze goggles do nuthin! Whats up with that bridge with no supports?
  13. EmRA

    Mafia 2

    Oh no two games of the same genre are much alike
  14. I don't see Notte in there Clavus. Yeah, and just in case you guys didn't notice at the sheet, I moved from Team 1 Heavy to Team 2 Scout.
  15. EmRA

    Mafia 2

    Just tried the demo, and I have to say this game is amazing.
  16. It's on the filename. People sure are lazy these days.
  17. I'll think about buying it after reading bunch of reviews and actually playing the singleplayer. Also, can't wait until someone gets those models into gmod.
  18. It has dedicated servers nobana, you can stop hating now.
  19. Posing by me and Hundy.
  20. If you guys haven't seen it, check it out: Looks pretty sweet, I'm especially liking those v_models the guns are having. EDIT: still not buying it tho
  21. Wanted to start a new map with snow, look what I found right next to my spawn: Atleast the singleplayer is still amazing.
  22. wasn't there a thread about this already?
  23. In case you people have missed this post. First rule: no more cheatengine bullshit. Especially notice that sentence. I say just ban everybody using tnt/stuff you shouldn't be able to use from here on out, good purposes or not.
  24. Too late bro. Unless you're reserve.
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