I hated smoking in a group. Mainly because there was always that 50% who didnt have their own cigarettes and kept begging for one until you gave them one. Which made me only smoke on way to school/out of it. Then I decided to stop completely. For myself, it was the relaxing feel it gave.
Fuck yeah, I did. Been without a single cigarette for almost a week now. And to every smoker, I recommend quitting if/while you still can! Now I shall wait until I have a bit more age so smoking pipe won't look retarded. Take that, lung cancer!
I made no topics for my bday, yet people whine Anyhow, gz boter, I shall give you 5 minute break, then you must go back to making the next gmod competition.
They have been my nemesis since the dawn of time. I hate them, and they hate me. Everytime as a kid when I just wanted ham on my pizza, I get pizza with ham and pineapples. Mr.Danni, as you prodably noticed: I fucking hate pineapples on my pizza.
I was thinking of drawing one of those soldiers from Metal Gear Solid today (if I actually end up drawing), I have no idea of the guy's name but it looked pretty neat. But I'll store that metrocop idea in the back of my head, as they got gasmask and they beat the fuck out of everybody No promises though.
Coloring is boring. :C I would prodably paint stuff with photoshop, but I dont have the knowhow and from all the tutorials I have seen, you need drawing tablet for that.
I have topic for my creative stuff in general, it gets just as many comments as the other topic. Besides, there are tons of less useful threads than these, I don't really see the problem. Artists corner gets few posts as it is. Now I get it. Good.
Do real places with buildings we all know, such as eiffel tower, statue of liberity, that jesus statue in brazil and so on. I don't know shit about mapping on source, but we need more maps with amazing landscapes.
I don't see a point to post a drawing in a topic generally made for drawings when you don't get any feedback, as I already mentioned on the op. Why do you even need feedback I don't. But it's fun, just like fapping or drawing.
Hello, and welcome to the forums! Be sure to check out the other servers around here (if you got the games). And you better be active. Kevin Bacon is watching you.