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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. That shit would be fun with a sled.
  2. Happy birthday, even when I hate you until you start being active again. Also nug, I'm still waiting for my present you promised me. You could atleast keep your steam on, if not gaming.
  3. You're like, an expert on that field amiright. Hey. I animated some models in the past. And I know some good animators, and they say it can take 4 full days for just animating a simple weapon. Yet some people do that stuff in few hours. Also, remind me to add another reason why I love this community to my list. One likes animating but hates modelling, one likes modelling but hates scripting, one likes scripting and so on.
  4. No idea, but EmRA said he would animate it Maybe. *sniff* Maybe. I've yet to meet the day I can outsmart 3dsmax. And animating gun like that seems hard. But I want to give it a shot, thats for sure.
  5. Get a job, buy it yourself. Or make your husband gift it for you.
  6. AIDS is friends with my dog. Bastard threads. Cock has balls. Can i put this Dick somewhere? EmRA thinks that E comes before F. Oh yeah, rudeness. YOU STINK! Fucking post farm thread incoming! God damn I knew we would have another combothread EEPAH EEPAH Instead of tea, Harry decided to pick his nose.
  7. AIDS is friends with my dog. Bastard threads. Cock has balls. Can i put this Dick somewhere? EmRA thinks that E comes before F. Oh yeah, rudeness. YOU STINK! Fucking post farm thread incoming!
  8. And beginner 3d animator. I like and don't like where this is heading. Also Redgord, that trigger looks uncomfterable. Make it moar like this
  9. I tried drawing faces. 10 points to the person who guesses the person this face is based on! Also thanks to redgord for the soldier's lines.
  10. I see no threads about it here. Or creations done with it in general. This doesn't deserve a thread as I copied straight from a picture and it's just a gun anyway. I liked it so I thought I'd share. Goddamn machineguns are fun to draw. Expect for the bullets. Also some pimp my gun so squirrel will like me:
  11. Winchester style trigger thank you.
  12. This thread is now under EmRAlaskan control. Move along. Let it die.
  13. Less argue, more gmod. BOTIL NEEDS TO BE SAVED. EmRAlaskans have captured one of the hijackers alive. The investigation continues.
  14. It's not stealing, its using.
  15. EmRA

    Awesome MW2 game

    Well done.
  16. EmRAlaskans have entered Botil to restore peace in the country and find source of the hijackers... Hijacker conflict theme:
  17. Botil's invasion shield should put up a fight, but the hijackers are smart. The whole country might be gone by now. ..But then again, they do have their army too. I guess.
  18. First the nazi ripoff fags, then the trolls, now hijackers? And this time it isn't just shoutbox islands, its the whole goddamn green earth. This shit is getting intense. R.I.P. Boter I'm watching you. Don't try anything. ANOTHER EDIT: I got so scared I changed my password even when I just clicked the link.
  19. Good times! Also, if anyone is interested, here is IP for 25 player server I know: However, I have no idea if it still is up, haven't visited it during this year.
  20. EmRA

    Your birthday makes you have awesome in your blood.

  21. There are plugins that allow you to play with 16 survivors though. or 24.
  22. Wooden buildings and guard towers out of nowhere, neat. ..What kind of place is that?
  23. This be wron topic for dat. But speaking of notebooks, I could scan some of that stuff too. When I go back to school from holidays that is.
  24. Me & Lemon!
  25. I thought you didn't want to. Will invite next time. EDIT, answering moar questions Not too long, it's usually around 5-15 minutes. Maybe longer if I get exited about the drawing and want to make it more awesome.
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