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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. "Uh.. Maybe you shouldn't eat it whole?" -EmRA on Lemon's sillyness "Mh mht?" -Lemon on EmRA's wisdom Rest of the folks enjoying their lunch. Scout and Sniper posed by me, Spy and Engineer by Lemon.
  2. I don't dislike CSS, just skinning for it, as it already has fuckton of skins (I'd more rather do skins for tf2) Also, I didn't have any css skinning in mind when I made that animation, so the framecounts aren't correct. And other reasons, such as the gun without texture or that I would have to do idle, draw and shoot anims for it too. I'll upload the sten anims anyhow if somebody wants to make more anims for it/try to get it ingame. If you get something done and release it, you may only release it here. EDIT: here you go
  3. Is that a bad thing?
  4. Animated Redgord's sten. It's not as good as my last one, but it's cool in it's own way. Atleast I like it.
  5. YEAH BOOOOOI aka EmRA's first 3d animations!
  6. Looks too bright looking at the other parts of the map. Also, seems like the background green is splashed there with no detail. Oh, and FaN Love that PDA, I demand upload! EDIT:Last one? Please do more.
  7. The use for the topic. I agree with the mexican one if pyro would be human (liked it the most too until I realized the alien one)
  8. Superhigh pardner highfive of power and awesome!

  9. inb4 emra's topicsperminute rage What is behind that mask? Is it a scouts mother? the annoucer? ywa? rainbows? Post your thoughts about pyro's true self and discuss about them. Here is mine: !WARNING, THE FOLLOWING THEORY IS MINDBLOWINGLY AWESOME, PROCEED WITH CAUNTION! Discuss ontopic and post your own theories here, rage about something else (such as peanuts or my face) with PM.
  10. Good people, if you haven't noticed, last day to enter this competition is this sunday. Remember my dear friends: The posing doesn't need to be the best ever, the idea is what matters. Also, even if you won't get the grand prize, keep in mind that even at the 3rd place (which isnt too hard to achive with this amount of contestants) gets 500 gc. I BELIVE IN YOU
  11. R.I.P. EmRA's epeen at ZS. Oh wait, you mean the top score page with most kills eva etc? Nvm then, go ahead.
  12. Just a gibus is a bit annoying, but I don't mind it. And as far as I know, you're not BLU nor fanboi. As in, combination of FaN, gibus and BLU is raeg. BLU and gibus alone can't launch it, they need FaN, as FaN is cause (scattergun being the solution) to all of life's problems
  13. Yes, I'm addicted to idling. MUST GET HATS Also, I hate fanbois. Especially the ones with gibus.
  14. Another way to make skins work is to keep making these so eventually there will be too many cool skins and Clavus can't resist it anymore.
  15. EmRA


    I confess that I'm confused about the situation of my two children.
  16. Do just reskins work on sv_pure servers? (such as mrgreen)
  17. I always knew you were bullied about this
  18. I demand Scout and Spy.
  19. Communityist leader of EmRAlaska and Co-founder of EmRA's & Lemon's pose thread of eliteism and professionality.
  20. EmRA


    Isn't highlander mode so only 9 per team (one player per one class), or did I read something wrong?
  21. EmRA


    ...And my axe. Scattergun I mean. EmRA ready for Scout/Medic/Solly duties. I'd love to do engy but my strategies for that are too risky for that. EDIT: You do get medal even if you fail horribly right?
  22. Great work, been using this for few days now.
  23. Another angle. note someone named iLemonDemon on the background.
  24. LOL, scout just transformed into blowup doll! Seriously what the hell is wrong with your ragdoll's teeth?
  25. I don't really count the times, depends on the amount of stuff in the picture. 30 mins to 2 hours maybe. And nah, I'll keep the topics coming a bit less, seeing the amount of rage unleashed no matter the content. EDIT: Ninja'd by Lemon goddamn Anyhow, something you all want: MOAR! "Hohoho, that slaps me on the kn-" -BLU Heavy before getting backstabbed. Scout and Heavy by me, spy by Lemon. Characters on the bg were done by us both, fixing our mistakes here and there. "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" -RED Scout while feeling urine making his pants wet. Scout by me, Spy by Lemon. Background characters done by both.
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