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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. What the hell, just make a gameplay video instead of 300 screenshots that yell what this is one by one.
  2. This map derailed more than the map. I'm not adding anyone, you add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/EmRAperkele
  3. EmRA


    Sounds just like something from sieni.us ..Might be good use, I like it. A bit too mainstreamish tho.
  4. [img ]lawl[ img] Is he telling you you are dead? Is he thinking? Has he found magical button in his gun he is about to try? Only God knows.. And me cuz I belive in him Aren't mainstream as far as I know.
  5. Or your hand if your last name is Zakhaev. The Barret might be a bit too big, but damn it's so fucking badass!
  6. It's just that some games leave a deeper impression in you when you're younger. Super Mario Galaxy is the Super Mario 64 for today's kids, so to say. Also, games of today don't have as much replay value.
  7. Super Mario 64. It got me into gaming, it taught me my first words in english, music is awesome, replayability is epic, and shit it was exiting when I was kid. I will never forget this tune. <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ulMNR79P04 Other good choise would be The Legend of Zelda: Ocarine of Time. Even when I never really beat it myself (watched my brother do it, then copied his saves so I could enjoy the new equipment), I enjoyed every drop of juice out of it. I can't really explain it without telling everything I did in the game, it was just amazing. ..However, the best game of all time isn't here yet. Atleast, we can hope so.
  8. Looks really nice. Downloading, even when I don't play zs anymore, this could be nice in some poses.
  9. What the hell, make up your mind please.
  10. Okay, me and few other fellows we're messing around in private match while we got idea. Zombie Survival. As we all know, Infinity Ward is retarded and can't release any sort of modding tools, so don't get your hopes up. That's right, no need for erection. How is it done? Simple. Private match, team deathmatch and some trustworthy friends. Everyone expect for one person joins the "good guys" (Navy SEALS, Rangers or TF141), these guys are the humans. And then the one joins the "bad guys" (Spetsnaz, OpFor or Militia), as you prodably guessed, this is the zombie team. Zombies have unlimited lives, while humans don't. Die once as human and you need to join the zombie team (this is why you can only play this with trustworthy friends) The rules (if you play with us) To make it more fun for the humans, and still so that zombies don't ragequit right away, you need rules. These are the ones we have when we play. Killstreak rewards that are NOT allowed Care package - Can give one of the ones not allowed Attack helicopter - Basically makes it living hell for any zombie who isnt cold-blooded. Harrier - Same as above. Pavelow - Same as above. Emergency airdrop - See care package. Nuke - Guess why? Perks that are NOT allowed Scavenger - unlimited ammo makes it boring quickly, and isn't fun for the zombies. One Man Army - same as above. Zombies and what they are allowed to use As you prodably guessed, zombies are only allowed to use knives to kill. However, they have some extra stuff to help them. Special grenades - Stun grenades and smoke grenades. Flashbangs are NOT allowed. Throwing knife - This only allowed for use when you are the only zombie around, so you don't have to suffer when those nasty humans camp alone. Tactical insertion - To get to the enemy quickly. Riot Shield - Riot infected yay! Also, if it isn't too obvious to you: Zombies are NOT allowed to use killstreak rewards. Ideal maps for Zombie Survival Rust - this is the best map for ZS in my opinion, as zombies dont have to run that far to get you, so there is always action. Skidrow - I like this one because of the indoor areas and because it's not that open. Most of the campspots in normal mp have multiple entry points for those brainhungry zombies to get you from. Can I join the fun? Sure! Just remember these rules if you are playing with us (Me, No One, Stealthcat and Chickennugget1). Contact me on steam if interested. Comments, suggestions?
  11. Does every zombie need to ranged? In my opinion the fun of zombie survival gamemodes is that they can't attack you from far. What about one like The Soldiers pickaxe in TF2? Deals more damage when its health is low. Or a normal soldier, has low health but is immune to bodyshots (and possibly head) due to bulletproof vest.
  12. EmRA

    R.I.P. Clavus

    I used to call him Clavus and he called me asshole. It was a thing we had. Rest in peace, I shall now keep a silent moment for him. Yes, even shutting down music for those minutes.
  13. It's the quest for salami... Picture music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bYcwWCw2UY&feature=related
  14. Also class limit for every class because they are over powered. I would also like to see ban for everyone who isnt butthurt about something.
  15. Since when am I supposed to move while raping?
  16. *cough* L4D2 *cough* It's a game series, I don't think Call of Duty would be Call of Duty with cartoon characters.
  17. 5/10, -3 because I cant understand a f he is saying, -2 because I dislike music like that in general. EDIT: Yes I did bump no need to tell me about it
  18. 37? Australian? Fuck cowchucker, this guy is my new favorite!
  19. Fuck yeah, of course I am waiting for it! Especially when I'm getting this for free because my little brother is even more exited than I am ..Now I just need to show him the pre-order bonuses... EDIT: Oh cool, he changed his mind. He better change his mind back or I won't get any pre-orderer bonuses
  20. EmRA

    1 to a 1000

    1001, we have to get to the 2010! QUICK, BEFORE INTERNET DISAPPEARS!
  21. As we all know, the faction you play as doesn't really matter the gameplay, just your character's look. But we all (prodably) like playing with some faction more than with the other. What do you think? Personally I prefer Brazilian Militia. Their announcer reminds me of a talking rat, and the fact that they are just bigger-than-normal criminal gang in SP and in MP they got nukes and shit. If only they had added Shadow Company to multiplayer..
  22. EmRA

    How To: Drink

    Same with me. Smoking cigarette while walking to the school or when you are pissed off is just relaxing. Personal experience. People who never smoked tend to say what stated earlier, or saying how embarasing it is. Yet people who I know have stopped just don't mind or recommend me to stop too.
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