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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. 25 hours as hoovy, due to idling. Scout comes second with 16 hours, but as I have not idled with it I'd say that I've actually played most with it.
  2. Agreed with Notte. Just take away their weekly allowance if they do bad stuff, and reward them for good stuff. Giving the kids a spanking prodably just gives your kid the impression that violence is the solution to everything. Teach your kid to talk, then teach him to use it.
  3. "WOW LOOK AT THAT NOTHING OVER THERE ITS AMAZING" EDIT: Forgot to mention the posers, spy by lemon and scout by me (as usual)
  4. Thats what I want, and thats why I told him to settle this with priv messages like gentlemen would. ..I'm not immature B(
  5. No, it's just you guys (if sneed isn't the only one) getting mad at everything I do. I used to make the topics the facepunch style, you whined, I listened, as my drawings weren't deserving their own thread. I started posting them on the artistic stuff thread. Then (did I forget some part, I feel like I did) I saw hundy's and peon's pose thread, I got the idea wrong and posted some poses there. You whined, I listened, seeing that making your own topic with your friend was alright, we did, and with a new twist (posed the pic on the same server, you don't see that everyday) Please, if you want to cry about few threads at section thats inactive as it is, make own thread for it, or cry about it on PM, stop posting that shit on my/other people's threads unless you're going to comment on the actual pictures. Thank you.
  6. I think this is a good thing. I don't know about norwegian culture tho, heard people are kinda violent there. Anyhow, I wasn't really given any sort of spanking or punches, dad just used to scare the fuck out of me, or lock me in the cellar for 3-5 hours (would have been longer but my mom always let me out when she came home from work). But then again, I'm not that manly armyready professional healthy kid you'd wish your kid to become. You can't control your kid's life, nor his feelings. Spanking might teach one kid, another might get butthurt and start doing stuff you don't want him to. Violence doesn't solve everything, but it sure does leave mark on them.
  7. Active ingame and up here, friendly, understanding.. Is ready to try new things, yet not going to do stuff if it's wrong (such as EmRA telling to permaban all the FaNboys) Theres not much to say here. +10 for LemunDemun.
  8. I thought it was a bad thing for me to post there, so made my own along with lemundemun And yes sneed, I knew you'd start the dr.philling, now tell me what I'm going to do next so I don't have to spoil my big ego and creative mind.
  9. http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=917305, can't be that hard to search, it was at the first page of model/skin releases at facepunch
  10. Today me and Lemon decided to try if posing together on the same server would work out any good. Seems like it did. This topic is for gmod poses made by me and Lemon, done together or alone. Scout enjoys his chocolate. Scout posed by me, Soldier, Heavy, Engineer and Spy posed by Lemon. Because me and Lemon are such badasses, we need some new gear. Scout posed and geared by me, Spy posed and geared by Lemon. More to come..?
  11. I thought turtles live long. Anyhow happy birthday to Henry!
  12. EmRA


    RIP. This reminds me that I'll have to mentally prepare myself for the death of our dog (14 years), been with me ever since I was 2.
  13. Seen you few times on the servers. Good app, especially for your age, I think you have good chanses. Just keep being active on the forums too, this is where the gentlemen and other cool guys gather at.
  14. Me too, thank god I'm christian, Jesus'll forgive me (bet he giggled a little too)
  15. You're ignoring the fact they enjoy killing. Thats what I meant, just because they sound like they enjoy it doesnt mean they do. Even when they are yelling "Come oon let us engage" like kids wanting candy. Notte, real world =/= modern warfare/bad company I think you are the one forgetting real world isn't like games. Ofcourse they shouldn't be all like "OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE" because that's what they're recruited for. What they SHOULD be like is a simple "Suspects down", "Hostiles down" or something like that. Also, something like this would be more acceptable in say, WWII. The soldiers there were in danger all the time, it was really fighting to survive. This isn't. This is a guy sitting in a command center using a drone to do the dirty work for him, desperate for a kill. So you're telling me that you are a insane killer if you don't use funky codenames and try to get your thoughts away from the actual killing by saying wow at how accurate your shot was? And how is killing civilians and then laughing at it more accepectable in 1940s? Of course, the men on the video aren't normal.
  16. You're ignoring the fact they enjoy killing. Thats what I meant, just because they sound like they enjoy it doesnt mean they do. Even when they are yelling "Come oon let us engage" like kids wanting candy. Notte, real world =/= modern warfare/bad company
  17. What should he say then? I think "GOT ONE!" or something smilar is more likely than "OH MAN I JUST KILLED A MAN I HOPE HIS FAMILY WONT MIND THIS WILL HURT MY FEELINGS "
  19. Im pretty sure this ones been on every country. . How can you know? Do you read every Donald Duck in every language? Because it's Carl Barks.
  20. Are we trying to pour that wine on ourselves? Otherwise well done, idea is well executed. Especially on the spy (even when the monocle is a bit weird).
  21. My mind still blows when I think about it. C'mon, you owe me 3 minds already now.
  22. I don't rememember the last time I saw that on a in the weekly donald duck magazine here. It's mainly just joke amongst finnish DD fans.
  23. It's classic among finnish people. These people prodably have no idea whats going on, and prodably don't even care.
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