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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. I knew that 20e would have been waste. But as usual I never listen to myself. If this would be new server as danni said, it sounds like idea to try. But like, no more of that zs I have been playing for a year, and just recently donated for? And as in for realismfaggotry, weapons falling from heaven seem no more realistic than guns rewarded from kills. Just less fun. Well, it still seems worth the try. But I have the feeling I'm not really gonna like it more than the zs nowdays. Another server for it please.
  2. Canceling shouldn't be done if the one who does the cancel hasn't entered themself. It is kinda annoying to first think for a pic for topic thats not that interesting and then when you finish it some guys who actually haven't entered come and close it down. But, I think I have pretty epic idea now, gonna go do it.. C:
  3. With sense, fun doesn't exist.
  4. Hey, those vere pretty fu-
  5. EmRA

    Green Earth

    What? Clavus? Spoiled? Sir, if there is anyone to blame, that is me not explaining at the first post that this is going to be a goddamn comic. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. BREAKING NEWS: EmRAlaska has just infected it's borderzone with zombie cancer and after that nuked it, making EmRAlaska impossible to invade without huge casualities and your army eating eachother. Hundred, Captain EmRAnov doesn't lead EmRAlaska nor it's army, he's just highly trained, experienced and skilled soldier of EmRAlaskan army.
  6. I find scientists pretty unrealistic.
  7. Awesome. Simply awesome. There. Told ya. Key to victory is sexpose.
  8. Totally agreed sneed. Also we shouldn't get weapons out of kills, totally unrealistic. In fact, remove the zombies. I find them the most unrealistic part of the game. In short: NO.
  9. Uh.. Fast food IS expensive. I love the stuff I cook myself, cuz I know what I like and even when I try something new in my shit I do they usually end up good.
  10. You uncreative fuckers. If the competition has low amount of entries, ENTER YOURSELF. I want my 1 hour back. In GC. IMO this competition's topic is actually more lame than the last one, as to win you prodably have to do something just like robo did here. I already have made mine, but after realizing that I'm going bck to gmod to make new one. Also, 2 weeks? We already waited ages on the last one just to see you guys end it.
  11. Oh hey, it's the funny admin app guy! The problems you're having seem kinda normal to what ppl react on internet. Did I tell you I was slapped with 1000000 damage seven times?
  12. 2dogs1cat, but im too tired to find camera and take pics of em.
  13. The page wanted me to sign up and I was like "hell no." The meter was a bit above 50% when I answered last question tho, I'd guess its the 56% few ppl got here. I did that according if I was at dad's house tho, at mom's house (where I am most of the time), as biggest gun there is goddamn bow. Clavus, I think you'd only annoy the zombs. Or if our undead friends need eyes..
  14. Oh god, this was so epic :-) Thanks ywa, hope to see more l4d maps at green EDIT: Me on the first pic C: I was so happy when I got there with that darn 300 ping D:
  15. It was mayco who started it, GE was originally going to be peaceful comic >:o

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  16. EmRA

    a funny flash game

    Ah, old. But still good. I wish there would be 3rd one :I
  17. EmRA

    Green Earth

    Agreed Clavus, sad to see that happening :C Anyway, let's continue till it's that: Survivors of EmRAlaskan soldiers in ChinaRobb run into bomb shelters, killing the citizens in them. (for their own good) Also, EmRAlaskan scientists have created new kind of virus based on the information Cpt. EmRAnov gathered from North Ywarea. They like to call it "Zombie flu" EDIT: Also, after ChinaRobb's defeat, EmRAlaska goes neutral.
  18. EmRA

    Green Earth

    DAMN GUYS, not that fast < EDIT: lold clavus. btw nugget I suppose you and I have atleast some nukes from cold war?
  19. EmRA

    Green Earth

    Making this game-ish takes the fun out imo, but I don't want to come to say no to everything, as this was going to be just a comic about mrgreen, and ended up posing thing like this.. But I agree with mayco on that marching and killing thing, atleast not big things like "I TOTALLY PWNZORZ UR DEFUNSHES AND NUKE THE SHIT OUTHA UR LDR" Only thing I dont like is updating that darn map D: EDIT: lol, look at the people vieving this topic oowsoom.
  20. EmRA

    Green Earth

    I'm too lazy to update it D: gimme list of stuff to update and ill do it.
  21. EmRA

    Green Earth

    Holy fuck, I can't wait to see what happens next.. Nuclear Fallout? Rebellion of robots? Civil wars? New cold war? Why can't ppl stop asking for countries that are already taken? < nugget was the one I created this with, so we have the biggest warpower D: No one has United Kingdom tho. And as far as I know they got nukes too?
  22. EmRA

    Green Earth

    Dannivegia is also our ally you dumbass. :-) I'll let Danni decide do we take this litte misunderstanding lightly. Allies of North Ywarea, EmRAlaska launches Operation WAR
  23. EmRA

    Green Earth

    If nobody from my side won't start doing something im gonna join the terrorists D: After all, I do have some propkill nukes from the cold war.
  24. Agreed. Even tho I rarely even use scoped weps but oh well
  25. Same here robb, but I just want the gc D:
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