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Mr. Green Gaming


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Aymen last won the day on July 18 2022

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    2nd Mix Clan War winner
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  1. i would like to report player named panzart, i reported him before 2 months ago and he only get blocker mode for 2 months, now im reporting again because after the mark is gone he started talking bad insulting my mother and blocking mee again in all rounds, i would like to add that he was perma muted before but he never learn, please act against and ban him or mute/mark him permanent becuase 2 months mark did nothing to him. and here is the link the report before :
  2. i never reported someone but i wanted to report this guy, after being perma muted and forgived he's still acting toxic and making the game really hard to enjoy he started insulting me then turned to insulting arabs in general, i didnt reply that much and after ignoring him he started blocking me soo no way to play around this guys ( i didnt capture all the insult becuase manage to get them all) i hope you ban him or atleast perma mute, because he dont deserve to be free. and the site wont let me upload photos more then 1 mb
  3. Aymen

    About mine mute

    please dont unmute him. he's so toxic and keep blocking players even when he's muted lol , only job deserve unmute
  4. i would like the map manager to check and restore 2 of my good maps 1 [NTS] Maina - into the dead : and the reason of deleting because it was broken. but it was not players played it and liked it and it was all good 2 [NTS] Road to heaven. : reason cant finish and thats wrong the map is finish able and it work fine. i hope u check them out and restore them
  5. give me vip maps : rtf a great adventure
  6. Keep ctf
  7. nice picture dude, i like it
  8. i was trying to make steam angry i was just joking ( ik its bad words i insulted with) but he was provoking players in the server with his famous words ( cry , kid , childer ....) BUT 2months ban from the the game and discord, i wasnt even in game so the 2months ban is senseless , everyone knows me it was just jokes i think i deserve the mute, but BAN you cant be like this and punish somone this hard for just some stupid insulting, im just worried about this admin and his hard panishments, i remember tictac used to insult more then this every one week and he just end up with 3days ban or 1week mute @Cena take look cena 2 months ban is too much for such insults
  9. Aymen

    1 Last Time

    give him chance, and if he do it again just perma mute him, permaban need to be removed ....
  10. just joking , its good idea i like it !!
  11. gambling is haram
  12. 5/10
  13. omg lol, you reported one of my uploads and i answered you, stop being aggressive just because you have the power of admin, and if you were my friend i will never anwser you like that dumb, between i hate making friend with this kind of ppl so behave nobody motion it, you start making troubles with everyone since you promoted so chill and behave lol. and your reply is usless so let dub deal with the map ...
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