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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Corby

  1. Corby

    hey hey

    Thanks! There will be a 25-30 minute video of the full thing release around May time
  2. Corby

    hey hey

    Been a while once again, thought I'd stop by to share something that my friends and I have been working on for a while. We're doing a 30 minute documentary/film of our year spent skiing/snowboarding/partying. There's a trailer due for release in a couple days, but I got it early so I uploaded it just for a few to see. Password is 'coolbeans' Let me know what you think https://vimeo.com/60140925
  3. Corby

    Long overdue post

    Not my job thank god, but I know we had roughly 30 in the first week haha, I've been told all the paperwork is pretty long, and half of it still hasn't been done haha
  4. Corby

    Long overdue post

    Not a holiday, mostly working, I run my universitys ski/snowboard society. Taking 400 people away on holiday is one huge ball ache
  5. Corby


    I had a planned contest agessss ago that was a 3 part obstacle course race to the finish, I made a post but it never got any attention.
  6. Corby

    Long overdue post

    Most of them aren't safe for facebook, but I'm sure a couple videos/photos will eventually make there way on over the next week or two haha I'll idle on IRC a little bit if I get the time over the next month or two
  7. It's been a while, nice to browse over the forums for the first time in a few months. Hope all is well here. Thought I'd just say sorry for going afk from everything pretty much. I don't really have the time for gaming anymore which sucks. Thank you for everything over the past few years and the community has been awesome. I've been real busy with university and snowboarding really. Spent the majority of November and December in Mayrhofen, Austria which had tons of snow so was super fun. I'm doing a few more weeks in France/Austria over the next couple months too so I won't have much time to get gaming, but I'll stop by occasionally probably to say hi. Bye folks!
  8. Corby


    And no unban
  9. You appealed this before and were denied, once again your denied. Video is good enough for me.
  10. Corby

    UNBAN !!!

    This is quite honestly one of the funniest unban attempts I've ever seen. Aside that, using team viewer proves nothing, you could of easily deleted the files since.
  11. no unban,
  12. Corby

    Unban soodle

  13. We didn't ask him to do that, so just ban him.
  14. Your name is familiar, but yeh, fill in the correct format.
  15. If your not watching this then why the fuck not, so funny.
  16. If it was lag you'd move somewhere rather than crouch at the end, to me that's force sprint.
  17. Yeh I think that's reason enough, haha and I have now.
  18. And also posting that wouldn't get you unbanned anyway, you need more info like what it says when you login.
  19. Corby

    i got banned

    xray bans cannot be appealed.
  20. He's a known hacker from previous maps, I signed on last night and everyone told me however he was afk and not doing anything so couldn't prove anything then, next time video it, otherwise your efforts are for nothing.
  21. Corby

    xray bans

    You weren't banned before for xray but for hacking, those bans are still there.
  22. One of the best ideas related to GC so far. Do agree, not sure why this hasn't been implemented yet.
  23. Corby

    So sad :'(

    In a way, peaceful factions kinda destroys faction wars, it discourages PvPing and the care for being online to get your power up
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