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About Chikennugget1

  • Birthday 09/05/1992

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  1. I no longer have time to develop the mod, and the bots are crashing the server at some point I was looking for a dev to take over the remaining work and bugfixes but I haven't found anybody yet. The server is closed in the mean time since it's crashing. Bots were made because of the lack of players. As long as they're crashing it's a no go for new players. Also, most of ZS players will prefer playing modern ZS rather than older versions, which makes it hard to have a stable playerbase.
  2. Welcome to Meat Up, this year's Zombie Survival Halloween event ! When can I play this update ? October 29th, 2022 to November 19th, 2022. Launch & end times : late at night ! What is it ? This is a seasonal update that adds new gameplay elements, as long as gameplay updates ! Along with the previous Halloween content released last year, new things are to be expected this year ! New Boss : Big Meat Big Meat is a new boss that will randomly appear during a match, on most of the maps (with a few restrictions, for smaller or hard to navigate in maps). He will spawn at a random zombie spawn point. Heavy, slow and tough, he's not that much of a threat in appearance, but once he sees someone, he starts roaring and charges towards his victim, leaving anything but bloody gibs and broken shards of what stood on his way. At close range, he can furiously pummel his victims to death. So the rule is simple : do not stay close to him ! When his health reaches 50%, he will become suddenly agitated. His walk speed is greatly increased and he charges more often. Oh, it's also useless to mention that no barricade, no prop and no obstacle could ever stop him. Especially if you stick behind them. Achievements / Titles A new achievement and title will be awarded to players that helped killing Big Meat ! Last year's achievement tied to Pumpking is also back if you don't have it yet. Skins Two new skins for normal zombies are available in the greenshop : Ghoul & Pumpkified : Ghoul will be a permanent addition, while Pumpkified will only be available for purchase during the event. Besides, the Scary Pumpkin is back in the shop as well. Extra Greencoins Greencoins earned for killing players and completing missions will be doubled during the event ! Returning content Last year's halloween content is back in the game : - Pumpking will still spawn during the game (either him or Big Meat), on any map. He's been slightly reworked so he does teleport onto random spawnpoints instead of teleporting onto players. His health got adjusted a bit as we now have bot players that can attack him. - Halloween daily missions got updated with a few new missions. - Pumpkins will randomly drop when a zombie/human is killed, they have a random effect (health ammo, gc, hurt etc). Bot updates With this update, Wraith, Fast Zombie and Poison Headcrab will finally be available as bots. They're still in development so they may need a few tweaks or balancing, but they work and can perfectly chase & attack players. Fast zombies will leap towards their prey. Poison crabs will spit at a distance and leap when they're close to you. Wraiths for now will only run after the players and act like normal zombies do (their behaviour will get some small changes in the future). Other changes - Added a propkill level for bots : when a bot joins the game, it will have a random propkill level from zero being "I don't know how to propkill" to 4 being a pro-propkiller ! This will allow for more variety and balancing in the game, to reflect the actual level players can have regarding propkilling. - Fixed the killfeed not showing the proper icons when bots murder eachother (WIP, propkill killfeeds are still glitchy). - Fixed the dual elites & sniper acting like machine-guns when a human bot uses them. - Fixed some wonky leaps when the headcrab bots attack you (WIP, will still happen when they're trying to reach you from far though).
  3. Update released : - Poison zombie bots and chem zombie bots are now added to the game. - Improved Abandoned Mall's navmesh. Poison zombs can only attack for now (throwing gibs is WIP). Poison zombs can attack and will sometimes throw gibs when there are zombies around them. Chem zombies will only explode when they get shot, when they're stuck somewhere or when they touch a barricade.
  4. A new update is now live on Mr Green ZS ! Bots are now available to play with, they're automatically spawned at the beginning of the game (10 humans + 2 zombies when round starts, numbers may change in the future). Along with the bots, minor additions : - Added a UI indicator that shows what your next reward/weapon will be, and how many kills you need to get it. - Added Ziggurat V2 to the mapcycle - Various bugfixes caused by bots mainly. Feel free to provide feedback on the forums or on the discord ( https://discord.gg/ReC2MrKEtC ). Details below ! Where do the bots spawn ? They're available on all maps in the mapcycle. Human bots will spawn on regular human spawns. Zombies will spawn on regular spawns AND specific bot spawns (due to some map limitations, custom spawns were added to help them reach certain spots). Zombie players won't be able to spawn on these, but they can go to the toxic gases to heal themselves. What can bots do ? Bots are meant to look like real players, as such they have a random name, a random icon and a random title. They can sometimes wear a hat too. They can kill eachother and kill players, and you can of course kill them too (no friendly-fire though). Depending on the maps, they're able to climb obstacles / ladders and move almost everywhere where a navmesh exists. Human bots start with the usual pistol + melee loadaout and are able to get new guns by killing zombies, just like human players do. When a human bot is hurt or fires at a zombie, nearby allies will come to assist him if they're not busy. There's a also a WIP follower/leader structure, where bots can follow a player or another bot, or just roam around in solo. Bots use the excuse me / reloading / pain sounds that is used for normal players. Zombie bots automatically choose a target and follow it until it kills it or gets killed. They're able to do propkills if they find props on their way, so be careful ! For now, only normal zombies are implemented. Other classes will follow in the coming weeks. What can't they do ? At the moment, bots can't redeem. This will be added later. Human bots can't drop their weapons or pick weapons up for now but this will be fixed in a future patch. They can't use barricade kits. And probably never will. They can't talk (obviously), but they may get some random lines of text / taunts / memes popping in the future. Old ladders (the ones where you press E) can't be used by bots, so expect some maps where they won't be able to reach you if you're in a spot which has such ladder. Though, some maps can/will be modified to replace these ladders with the compatible ones. Human bots won't take damage from toxic gases, since they're moving everywhere and I have no way to tell them to avoid the toxic gases. Zombies are not healed by the gases but this will probably change in the future. Bots don't benefit the upgrades / perks systems. Known issues to be fixed: Bots/bots & bots/players collisions. Since it's causing a few side-issues, I want to fix that one but it may not be possible, it requires fiddling with the bot library I'm using but I'm hopeful it can be fixed. Navmesh optimization : navmeshes will be reworked / improved overtime to have less glitchy spots where bots would be bugged. Obstacle avoidance : bots can sometimes get stuck in ceilings or props, this is related to navmesh optimization and some tweaking to do in the code as well. Ending screen doesn't show bots score / times. Coming soon Behaviour improvements New zombie classes for bots (poison zombie & chem zombies being the next ones in the list) Bugfixes / navmeshes optimization
  5. I may add more melees in the future, yes. Ask @Cena for account.
  6. Update is live ! Changelog : - Added Halloween content (boss, pumpkin drops, missions and hat) - Added zs_ruins and zs_dryfield_v4 to map rotation - Removed zs_viruslabs from rotation - Reworked crowbar (still in progress) : damage has been decreased and speed increased to match the knife's. They are similar in stats. Crowbar perks have been revised as a consequence. - Fixed the laggy boss animation when he took damage from ranged weapons - Braincrab model is back in the shop, it's now fixed and should play animations properly
  7. Welcome to the first Halloween event for Zombie Survival Redeemed Edition ! For this first seasonal event, you'll be facing a new foe, which has sworn to destroy humans and zombies from the surface of earth : Pumpking ! When October 26th, 2021 to November 12th, 2021 (no specific time, but deploys are done at night) Features Pumpking boss This boss is a neutral NPC that will spawn on specific maps, at a random time. The condition for him to appear is to have at least 7 players during a game on a specific map. Pumpking can attack any player, human or zombie, in his way. He does massive amount of damage at close range, so you better get away and quick ! But beware, as he likes throwing deadly pumpkins around him and teleporting around ! You can only damage him using melee attacks ! You can fight Pumpking on the following maps : "zs_deadhouse", "zs_storm_v1", "zs_stormier_v1", "zs_dezecrated", "zs_clav_segments_v2", "zs_alexg_motel_v3", "zs_abandoned_mall_v6b", "zs_dryfield_v4", "zs_forgotten_city_enclosed", "zs_tug_hut" (List may change / be updated till the event starts). Killing him will grant you an achievement, a title and a few Greencoins ! Pumpkin drops Due to a curse from Pumpking, players (humans & zombies) that die during the duration the event may drop pumpkins. Picking one of these is up to you, since it can give you something good... or not ! Scary Pumpkin Hat During the event, players will be able to buy the Scary Pumpkin Hat in the Greenshop / hats section. You can buy it for 300 Greencoins, and it is available only for the duration of the event ! Halloween-themed daily missions Among the regular daily missions, a few new halloween-themed missions will be available during the event, giving a bit more Greencoins than regular ones. Maps Two new maps will be added to the mapcycle : - zs_ruins, which takes place in a big city with open areas and buildings with different rooms to hide. - zs_dryfield_v4 : a motel-like map in the middle of a desert, with a lot of places to hide, open areas and an underground facility. Other Along with this update, a bunch of bugfixes / balancing patches will be deployed as wel. Hope to see you there ! And have a fun Halloween !
  8. There may be zombie skins during the in-game giveaways
  9. There will be GC giveaways on Discord ( https://discord.gg/NxR2nBvk ) and greenshop items giveaways in-game, so be sure to join in
  10. Hi Greens ! I'm glad to announce that ZS Redeemed Edition (or Classic) will be available on September 24 2021 20:00:00 GMT. The game is now ready for a proper release. There will be a few updates post-release and additionnal content over time, but everything is playable so far ! If you were present during the different demos, your greencoins / unlockables will still be there ! You will also be able to link your Mr Green account in-game to transfer your GCs. How to join : Search for Mr Green Zombie Survival Classic Edition in the server list or type connect zsre.mrgreengaming.com:27015 in console to join the server ! Launch event : There will be GC giveaways on the Mr Green Discord (https://discord.gg/UBVtEXbc) and greenshop item giveaways in-game, so be sure to hop in during the launch ! Here's a quick glimpse of what you're going to play (from the last demo) : https://streamable.com/ajyc0u See you there folks !
  11. My take on this is that it's going to be 2007-2010 Gmod all over again. One big server (Sunrust probably), one or 2 contender servers with different ZS versions, and a myriad of small ones using Sunrust's ZS. It was already like this with Noxious ZS. Hopefully new variants of ZS will pop up over time so we don't have X clones of the same gamemode over and over again, but that's a sweet dream. As a dev, I'm not interested into S&box, not yet at least. It's too early for having polished gamemodes imo. I'm just curious to see how it will perform against Gmod over time.
  12. Yeah, I'm finishing a few things hopefully soon and I'll release the mod after that.
  13. It's been quite some time since the last update. Done : - Daily missions system - Small UI rework TODO : - Mr Green account linking I will have other stuff to do, but I think I can consider the mod ready for a release after I'm done with the account linking. Future developments / changes will be released on the live mod.
  14. I haven't had time to work on ZS recently, the dev is a bit slowed down because of my job but I'm working on the daily missions at the moment, and I'll plug the Mr Green API after that.
  15. ZS demo 2.wmv https://streamable.com/ajyc0u Made a clip of some games from the demo
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