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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. God thank I can try something else than Catmull Rom's tool which bugs: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=56328 Well, it doesn't bug but on some maps it doesn't work. Gonna try yours Pufu. This remembers me of my "test" video I made a while ago too And my Pokefortress vid, and Epic show.
  2. Mmm I think I should update my dog here too. I remember, when he was a baby he could enter in a shoe, and once I've put him in an action man's car xD Great times we had, he travelled everywhere with us And big dog you have there Notte, looks like mine 10 times bigger
  3. I am for reducing the 32 players to 24, theres no more rage than currently with 32 players (if it's full it's full heh, just play elsewhere while waiting). Plus it can be good for lag issues (um, I don't know why but since a few days I'm lagging as hell on green servers, yesterday I got 100+ ping sometimes :/ ) That might sounds idiot but what about a Zombie Fortress server with 24 slots? I see popular servers that are almost full everyday so maaaaybe it can work (or mix ZF with other modes? Like some CTF maps, Koth maps, then mods etc...)
  4. Be careful of frickin aussies running with piss jars and ugly sunglasses.They're apparently pedos.
  5. Stop getting 200 views everyday D:

  6. Have fun
  7. I used this to "see" but then I destroyed it as I thought someone would complain about it, it seems this has been discovered by people cause now a lot of them try to do this.
  8. Stop talking about boobs and sex ok? You already have the lame porn topic for you so stop polluting other topics with this. Edited so your eyes are obliged to see the color appeal
  9. « Crew Clavus: Yeah no »
  10. Plug your modem in a camel's ass I don't see any solution, wait? How long did you have that problem? Have you checked your modem settings, like ports and stuff, have you installed programs just before it happened, dunno..?
  11. Teslaaaa, where are you, come here my little *plays with a bloody whip and a steel thing with nails on it. I order you to put me in the list as well, oterwise there will be blood effusions everywhere.
  12. See, fighting against the masscamp has been one of my goals and each time I am caughting 25 players on a same roof they're obliged to dread my anger, and obey my orders Remember this: threat. They fear this! heh true. If I do get this admin I would possibly be the most active and probably the most known for anger against exploiters... Yesterday on zs_trainstation (snow) there were 30 Human campers on the roof/ trains which you need to propclimb up there... has anybody ever thought about walking around the walls on zs_uglyfort? what about that one? zs_shithole has that annoying cliff. so many maps... Well, I remember that on the old zs people used to go on the walls too but they weren't so much doing it. I'm wondering if we could be allowed to warn/act if we see that the massive camping should be punished. (the only map where I did it was subway cargo when there were unique spawnpoints for zombies.Humans camped on the containers and killed every passing zombie so these one couldn't even get out of there). That's a shame I can't play when there are over 25 players, as my gmod bugs like hell and lags.When I come in the morning it's relatively calm.
  13. Me >>>Le méchant french bouffeur de raging nordic people Or do as you want!
  14. Big mistake I did, I forgot to give a present to the purple breeteech. So, as a present I give you a piece of my tumor...once it's been analyzed in the laboratory (we don't know, maybe they'll find out that this came from a boomer so I'll turn into one, and gerb on you all).
  15. See, fighting against the masscamp has been one of my goals and each time I am caughting 25 players on a same roof they're obliged to dread my anger, and obey my orders Remember this: threat. They fear this!
  16. I found Error behind his webcam, enjoying his victory:
  17. Mmmm, I think I can't get the gay purple color since I'm not so old as Error, even my french exclusivity won't save me now D: !!
  18. No, Axon ninja'd Clavus, and Clavus beat you. But Clavus has more power than you both, so you lost. Pff, he knows he lost the race. I won, he lost. He just can't admit defeat and uses his Red powers of FAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGG to push me back. BOO Axon you're with me? Let's boycott Clavus's sweatshops in Asia and steal his lizard's factory Fuck that, I'm gonna steal his house. And his IRL life, so he is condemned to live in a pc
  19. No, Axon ninja'd Clavus, and Clavus beat you. But Clavus has more power than you both, so you lost. Pff, he knows he lost the race. I won, he lost. He just can't admit defeat and uses his Red powers of FAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGG to push me back. BOO Axon you're with me? Let's boycott Clavus's sweatshops in Asia and steal his lizard's factory
  20. I'd say, happy 1 year birthday and happy err...welcome to the purple team? Clavus ninja'd our topics! My topic had to beat yours, I haz the longer text >: O
  21. As Nobana was suddently in a an over-excited-rage-pwnzor mode he wanted someone to make a topic for our new Global Admin Error 401.Well, he is not new himself but, his status So let's have a big party for our national british Error! Also, he is celebrating his first year of admining since he joined the admin crew so that makes another reason to move from your Deutsch-Spain sucky match and say something to him! I'd say, happy 1 year birthday and happy err...welcome to the purple team?
  22. Easy stuff, if I had a document like that in an oral I'd have to explain it (describe+analysis) My english exam: http://lewebpedagogique.com/bac/files/2010/06/Anglais-ES-S.pdf Tell me if you think that Amit is from the USA or India, because apparently the f*ckin correction says that he is from USA, iz impossible! Shit guys, I'm actually like him: RAWRAHALALALA.
  23. That's not my case, that's weird, I used to have an average of 16 in english this year and I only got 10 at the exam ._. Big is disappointement. Crappy Amit.
  24. I wonder why you don't study Philosophy at all in your schools. It's sometimes interesting but it's hard to work on. Like, my exam topic was "Can an historian be a judge?" <<< It has different meanings, and if you choose the wrong one you're dead. You had to understand it like "does the historian has the right to judge historical facts" or something.
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