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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. I don't know if it can help you that much but I got FPS problems on all my source 2.0 games (tf2-ep2-portal) and I tried different things without success (system restore, cleaning drivers and stuff like that), and at the end I discovered that my antivirus was causing those lags as I haven't put the "game mode" activated (well it's not activated I lag, when it is it's fine).Maybe check your antivirus, disable it to see. It's possible that's not your card's fault.
  2. Well now, my room (the other one is the bro's room where my pc is).Messy it is. If you find video game's novels you'll earn a cake. The window to the IRL world. The hot bed (don't worry, when it's 30C I remove the thick blanket)
  3. He looks like he is doing a suggestive gesture with his hand. Also, let this die mkay?
  4. E: FUCKING CHIKEN! You ninja! No you, but we need to close this before the noobspam invasion planned on this evening. Someone locks the topic please D:
  5. Hihi, you said oral! You'd prefer that I replace OR with AN ?
  6. Use the topic I linked to damnit, there's no point in continuing posting here...
  7. Explicit topic. As we are a certain number having exams this summer I'd say post your exam results here, so we can maybe compare (or not), bah ,that's just for the trip. As I got my BAC exams results I post them here: Philosophy: 8/20 Maths: 15/20 Economy/Sociology: 7/20 English written: 10/20 (f*ckin teachers, seriously, that's a joke right?) English oral: 18/20 Spanish oral: 10/20 History/Geography: 11/20 Sport: 12/20 (not really an exam, that's the average of all the sports trimesters averages of the year) (also, add to this the notes I got last year for the anticipated exams, 8/20 in written french+14/20 in oral+8/20 in sciences+15/20 in Personnal work). With all those-weird- notes I got the BAC, so basically I can just stop bothering whether I should've get a mention or not (mentions are Very good>Good>Quite Good>No Mention) as I didn't get one. Next Year I'm going to the UIT (University Institute of Technology) to study programming and stuff. So yeah, you can tell us where you'll go after your last high school year(or other)
  8. There is already a topic for this, use it thanks. That's not for nothing there is a search function :>
  9. Good luck old man
  10. I suggest a no-collision for the redeeming humans that are still under the spawnprotection effect. How many of you raged because you redeemed and you got blocked by zombies in a small room, or got stuck in a roof/ceiling after jumping on a zombie in order to escape?
  11. "We were just spamming" That's right, you Yoshi and Tom were spamming, and you know that spam topics are bad, ain't you? I'm thinking that Yoshi=Tom, they post at the same moments, they predict that someone is posting, by a miracle it's always Yoshi or Tom after that, they defend themselves mutually. Posting a lot using different accounts is bannable! (well, Mayco told me that when I created another account to make Error's bday topic but that was just 1 post). Now just let this topic die alone, and stop posting ok? It can't continues like that, both of you are having a conversation here while you can do it on Steam or elsewhere and when other people come it's for trolling (like me) or insulting, or saying weird things. Plus it has no real goal at this point.I mean, that goes from a music to a pedo-pornographo-trollo disscussion, then to cartoons, then to I-don't-know-what.
  12. I warned you, but this topic should be locked as it's going from pedo issues to tf2 musics issues.
  13. Warning, the following content is totally trolling, stupid and lame, ensure that none is watching behind your pc and if you're a 6 years old children don't even watch this. Sorry, the temptation is...palpable, isn't it?
  14. This is even more harmonic.
  15. That's probably me but I think you kinda have a cult of the personnality with all the Pufulet Episodes, Pufulet 1 2 3 4 (people that you ordered to wear your name otherwise you're gonna whip them to blood ), and I can't stop thinking of Cassoulet when I see Pufulet (it's food, sausage+sauce+beans ). Sorry x) And good luck by the way.
  16. New Zombie class: "Delucrab":Throws LUA code at humans, burning them 10hp/sec, can autoredeem itselfs after being killed :V

  17. I'm not going to keep such a topic up-to-date because we already have the servers page for that on the portal. Fine.
  18. The portal page already links to all the admin profiles here on L4G, and you can enter your Steam name in the designated profile fields. True, true. I thought we could gather everything directly in a same topic, and make it a bit more complete (like the disponibility, as I said, or also the privilegied servers, etc...)
  19. I suggest that we make something (a topic probably) so we-admins- can post our Steam names, and maybe our disponibility (if needed), that this topic is put in evidence somewhere, and in this topic people can add us on Steam so they're gonna contact us and we won't have the classic "I dont haz u in mah stim friendz so pls come very often blabla". We make it clearly, efficiently and seriously and it should be ok. Like: Admins: TF2 servers: -Someone-(disponibility) -Someoneelse-(disponibility) Gmod: ... MTA: ... Etc,etc. Got it? It will make things easier since people can "choose" among admins. I'm volunteer for creating the topic, maybe.
  20. I do come sometimes when there are not a lot of people (I don't stay a long time though). Also, you should add some of us on your steam friend list if you need some help (I remember you were in my list but you disappeared).
  21. Updated: -replaced 3d skybox adding water and a few islands in it -detailed the walls -added props and other details around the tower and outside of the walls -fixed the displacements -gonna fix the yellow water, comes probably from a nodrawed block I placed on top of the map for an env_precipitation which is not working, gonna remove it. There is apparently a bug you can see on top right hand corner, I don't know how to fix this yet. I can't compile with the vis and rad in normal mode since my pc bugs and it takes too much time when I do it, I'm obliged to run it on fast mode. Also, I noticed some slight freezes but I guess that comes from my CPU.
  22. This music sucks.Plus being a huge fan of a kid (who looks like a 6 years old one) is kinda...pedo. And try to be last human with this shit instead of the epic "Relaooooh".
  23. L4G, Twitter, Facebook, Hotmail, Jeuxvideo.com, garrysmod.org , tf2.fr , fr.guildwars.com , youtube.com,
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