You have waited for this or not, but now it's time to face the Autralian Justice and meet Mann Co's CEO... and color your pants in brown ! For those of you who didn't know, I've made a first Meet Saxton Hale video with Garry's mod, which took me grosso modo 3 days. For more than a week now, I've been reworking on this using the Source Film Maker and I wanted to share it with you (and tease a bit my work by the way ). I've spent a huge amount of time on this, it's not perfect and it somehow looks "robotic" at times, but I like what I've done and I hope you'll enjoy this ! And yeah, I like presenting this like the official Meet the videos muehehe So here is the video :
(Watch in HD !) Bonus screenshots : The quality isn't at its best, SFM was working fine, and I hoped I could get what I've seen with the preview, but the final product is slightly different from what I've expected. You can notice a few "flickering" textures (due to the slight overuse of shadows/volumetric lights), but nothing really disturbing. SFM caused me a few problems after compiling the video, and I couldn't completely fix them. That's my first SFM video If you want to watch the Gmod version :
Enjoy !