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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. You have waited for this or not, but now it's time to face the Autralian Justice and meet Mann Co's CEO... and color your pants in brown ! For those of you who didn't know, I've made a first Meet Saxton Hale video with Garry's mod, which took me grosso modo 3 days. For more than a week now, I've been reworking on this using the Source Film Maker and I wanted to share it with you (and tease a bit my work by the way ). I've spent a huge amount of time on this, it's not perfect and it somehow looks "robotic" at times, but I like what I've done and I hope you'll enjoy this ! And yeah, I like presenting this like the official Meet the videos muehehe So here is the video : (Watch in HD !) Bonus screenshots : The quality isn't at its best, SFM was working fine, and I hoped I could get what I've seen with the preview, but the final product is slightly different from what I've expected. You can notice a few "flickering" textures (due to the slight overuse of shadows/volumetric lights), but nothing really disturbing. SFM caused me a few problems after compiling the video, and I couldn't completely fix them. That's my first SFM video If you want to watch the Gmod version : Enjoy !
  2. Tomorrow I'll release my Meet Saxton Hale video, but first I'll improve a few things.

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    1. MiF


      Quite many hours spent on that one I must say :D

    2. Chikennugget1


      I've reached the 46 hours ^^

  3. Happy birthday Mayco
  4. I Find it hard to use when it comes to animating characters. I don't understand how to make different animations following eachother smoothly, and without having to rotate the limbs myself... I'll re-watch the video about that, but the guy talks a bit fast ><
  5. I hope I'll get a beta key too, I absolutely need this tool D: Just to make my Meet Saxton Hale video something way better, with lipsync and stuff
  6. Already said it on FB, but, happy birthday again Also, my present to you will be a YTP I've just made using Meet the Pyro (still saving, then I'll upload it)
  7. Chikennugget1 was part of the first email address I've created, back in 2004 or 2005. At start I wanted "Chicken" which was a Red Dead Revolver character, but it was already taken. Then I've tried ChickenNugget, and finally Chikennugget1 I also have many other nicknames, -Spectrom- was the first one I've ever used, in Halo CE.
  8. You can't go to E3, only journalists can ( but it was opened to everyone before). I'm waiting for something about Halo 4/GoW, and a possible Smash Bros on WiiU (I'll buy it just for this game x( ).
  9. Joyeux anniv' !
  10. Good luck kamarad
  11. I'm jealous, no good internet connection, no beta Don't spoil please.
  12. +1 for Pufu map manager And I agree, there are too many house maps, and some maps aren't really made for zs . Original maps are rare nowadays.
  13. On tuesday, I'll go to my shop, and preorder the collector edition But I don't get it, is it €150 or €120 ?!
  14. I don't know if I can help you with my talentuous Java coding skills ( /irony, but I have good knowledge of Java though ) -but who knows, Notch has done Minecraft in Java - or my PHP/MySql (I'm in the web developement at the moment) but if I had loads of free time I would help you with the coding stuff . Your idea sounds cool, but it depends of the other's motivation, and it requires time, a lot of time...
  15. Looks nice, but it needs more props, and that's probably me but I think it's a bit too "cubic", if you see what I mean.
  16. Happy birthday Paysant
  17. Necro, can you fix the autoswitch weapon option being always ticked when joining the server please ? It's really annoying to untick it each time I'm connecting :/
  18. color="#FF0000"] I love you
  19. Too bad, I need 3378 GC to get this useful thing
  20. Pay 1500 GC, then. Yeah yeah... But I don't need this at the moment, it's just that I was used to my title
  21. Also remove his title, since he never paid for title editor, and has lost his admin rights [Nugget Admin] I don't see how this is related to my suggestion, but anyway, I don't want to lose it Maybe just change it
  22. You should give players who are not carrying a medikit in their loadout a possibility to heal themselves by buying a health vial with SP in supply crates for example, it would be more expensive than medikit charges maybe. The vial would immediatly take effect , and you'd have to buy a vial each time you need to heal yourself.
  23. Bug to fix : I got 3 times a Buffer Overflow in net messages error today, it disconnects people from the server. I noticed this happened when people are using a lot the mic + chat messages. Suggestion (but it's been quite a long time since this thing exists ) : don't force weapon autoswitching please. It's a pain to go to the options and untick the box for this each time I'm connecting, plus this remains when I go on another server. It'd be cool to be able to tick/untick this for good And I don't agree with you Darkness, about the dark hud.It happened that even with the option unticked my screen was too dark, and sometimes it came back to a normal color after ticking it again. My opinion : It has potential, but it needs fixes there, there...And my poweruuuuuuups Wait & see.
  24. Bring the power ups back in the green shop, at least Last man stand, autoshotty, quick cure Also, the green gaz : I was standing in a small room yesterday on the new nasty house map, with destroyed walls, and there was a supply crate there (and an ammunition box dropped by someone), but I didn't have time to pick up something since a gaz appeared right near the crates. usually it damages you when you're IN the area, but I've managed to escape the place, go far away, and for probably a dozen of seconds my life kept decreasing as if I were hurt by a poison crab (but there weren't any poison crabs) and reached 10-15hp (I had 50 hp or so). Could you reduce the "poisonning" effect's duration ?
  25. As you love Java and Eclipse, I've made a small application for ya: And Happy birthday !
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