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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. Jajaja ! But a tablet is expensive :V

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  2. Hundreds of people would be happy because all the f2p kiddies would disappear from the servers. What would happen if we all had magical powers/spells/etc ?
  3. We'd all say "Wtf is an MMORPG ?". What would happen if Michael Jackson was still alive ?
  4. Everyone's ears would have been safe. What would happen if video games never existed ?
  5. Question about the wraith : When you're disguised and attack someone, does it remove the disguise effect or do you remain "human" ? (if it's like in TF2 with the spy, when you attack you become spy again).
  6. Got "low" everywhere but there were a few questions where I wasn't sure so I said No.
  7. GW2 Beta will arrive soon guys !

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    1. xeim


      If i dont get a key i will rape someone


    2. Hundred2
  8. INCOMING OPEN BETA -->Signup !!! https://beta.guildwars2.com/
  9. There are 4 new videos of the GW2 beta on jeuxvideo.com http://www.jeuxvideo.com/gaming-live/0001/00018092/guild-wars-2-pc-1-4-decouverte-de-l-univers-00004664.htm If you don't want to hear the frenchies just mute the video Basically, the first one is about PVE, the others about PVP, World vs World (which seems to be fun as you have a tactical dimension, with ressource harvesting, siege machines that you have to build, resource caravans and stuff to attack the forts) and character creation. Can't wait to preorder the {ultimate|collector|limited|legendary|epic|heroic|golden|<?>|} edition
  10. Ecliiiiiiiiiipse ! Minecraft opened at the same time, I call this madness !
  11. I'm mapping a little bit (a sort of maya temple for ZS ), I'm also messing around with Jetboom's zs code to try to remove bad things (such as suicide limitation, collisions), but I'm not willing to make my own zs mode, not right now. College-side : Working on a page for a website for singers and groups. The page contains a streaming player that should be able to display a musical show on 3 channels, and we also have to include a mini chat for users and a dynamic poll system (if we have time).I'm using Cakephp framework to do some of the player's functions (but that's really, really hard to learn cake while coding that stuff....).
  12. What the hell ? Paying to be an admin ?
  13. Hm. Do you have legal version? I think fiddling with data files was added in a patch several days after release. Might be wrong though. Also, this could help: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/content/modmanager/ Yeah I have a legal version, I'll check your link out.
  14. I've tried to create a giant chicken boss, I've placed it outside of Whiterun, but that's a pain to set my plugin as active, so after reloading x times the creation kit I could finally set it as active, but once I launch the game the "Data files" is locked, I can't load my plugin. Helppppp ?
  15. Hemorroids.The f*cking hemorroids.Buttscratch.

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    1. Chikennugget1


      WUAAAAH *scratch scratch *

  16. Dovahkiin, because after being fusrodah'd The Courrier would just splat against a giant cactus and be killed by a super mutant
  17. I don't know if they'll keep caracters that we've created during the beta, so I'll just create a random one just to keep my GW1 names safe, in case they'll delete the beta characters when the game is out and "forget" to free the names. It'd be cool if older players (ig) could join the beta before everyone else
  18. As I did for Error, I spy'd my face, because I was wearing a suit (for a job interview)
  19. I've learned English since primary school, though I wasn't very good.Then I've started playing games in English, watching videos in english, talking with greenies and stuff and I became excellent I've also learned spanish but I stopped since I've started college. A lot of people here said they were surprised I speak a fluent english because I'm french, which means I'm meant to suck at it
  20. Super Tireur, human ranger, just like the one I use in GW1.
  21. 1 coal -50% valve -50% dogfigther -50% altitude -50%brink -50% worms reloaded Not.
  22. Modern Warfare 3 Halo Cryptum Guild Wars :Ghosts of Ascalon Another GW book I don't remember the name. Warcraft book. Skyrim (legal this time ) Wanted a Halo figure and a rc heli controlled by iphone but I haven't found them Blur Monday Night Combat, bought myself.
  23. Another thank to Hero who absolutely wanted to offer me a game, that is Blur
  24. I'd like to thank Chainsawman (again) for offering me Killing floor last year for christmas
  25. I leave my slot for someone else, it's not that I'm a coward or whatever, but I can't get there at this hour. If the next battle is planned earlier or on saturday I'd join of course.
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