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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. Rofl! Is he just stupid or does he do that on purpose? XD :noel:
  2. You don't apply for IW server now,it's just all the Gmod servers (IW+ ZS ) Also you seem a bit young, and your app is a bit short :/ (Well sorry if I'm rude but I I say that in an objective way Good luck though )
  3. Did the messenger for me (and thanks again by the way^^) Stole again my post! :@
  4. loves this topic :christmas:
  5. Stole my post so obliges me to say something about him.
  6. Robo...Why?Why?

    I'm so sad now...

    I'm missing you,sad cake is very sad.I can't believe what's happening.

  7. Bonne chance pointy :3
  8. If you're admin you should keep a right attitude though, not only "OMG OMG ITSA CAKE"! :3
  9. It's a good app,I know Point for months and he is really nice
  10. Spektrom007 but I don't connect too much at the moment.
  11. Nice :christmas: I will give you some moar ideas for upgrades
  12. You must admit I'm teh sexeeast :christmas:
  13. You want to keep secret the new way to get GCs via the forum? :3 But nice "initiative" tho
  14. Lol lies,I found real Error's photo ;D !
  15. Thinks I'm not a military :christmas: (and has right )
  16. Woot woot woot,I agree Yellows=random malfunctionning cakes but :noel: is god D: Ywa>>> Whaaat? I'm not a full army? :christmas: Next time I'll put my Darth Vader Hat and stick :noel: pictures on me
  17. Lol this is not racist :noel: :christmas: Ahhhh,about racism, why don't you put the real :noel: smiley instead of the :christmas: ? You are racist against the yellows? >
  18. By the way,can't we just use the "introduce yourself" topic?
  19. My Pistol and my face camo (socom ! ^^) :christmas: Also I have 3 real katanas on my shelf but the pictures were bad when I tried to make some poses
  20. Crazy beer dude :christmas:
  21. I agree,I think it's a sort of bug, I do !rtd I have no message,if I roll it again I have to wait. Can we have a message to indicate we failed at rtd or something? But generally it's a nicr work you did there Delu (where did the saw go???)
  22. Has wrong because I prefer :noel: (jeuxvideo.com si tu connais).
  23. Has an angry dude in his sig :christmas:
  24. Lol I didn't imagine Clavus like that :christmas:
  25. Poor Robo,why did he left,WHYYYY??? D:
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