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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. Fraps is the best, good quality,30 secs of recording for free version,longer as you want for full(you can find it free on sites like the pirate bay). The only thing is that the videos have an omg weight (can be a giga sometimes Oo )
  2. I dont know about this, because already Humans seem to lose most of the time, you restrict one of the only things they have going for them it could make it nearly impossible for humans to win. Oh and btw, I dont know if anyone else is having this problem, but I keep getting stuck in props and objects! Very annoying. It happens to me sometimes when I lag
  3. Maybe it's missing files,or just a bug.
  4. By the way,am I the only one who has two files left to download each time I load a map? I mean, at the loading screen I have: "2 files needed by the server: -1 sound -1 other " It doesn't downloads these 2 files, I just have the loading "server infos,sending client infos..." I don't remember having that before the update :/
  5. He speaks french Bonne appli,+1 mon gars ^^ Good app
  6. Huh,old app!
  7. Spies on my own comment zone >:o,No on my own account^^

  8. I found another thing, I had like 30-40 hp I runned normally,no slow down etc... and when I took a rifle (sg552) I got slown down hardly like if I was red hp,is it a bug or it's normal? Because I hadn't that with FA-MAS and other weapons.
  9. I just played another old map, zs_placid and I think it can be good, a small house but an opened space around with water,hills etc.. It can be good for running away
  10. Okay I really don't get this, Basically because its more accessible to more people you think it should be deleted?? I think its a good idea to allow players that otherwise would never get access to that weapon having a go, it promotes the server better to a new player than just having a knife & a pistol. Also, It isn't a waste of money or time for donators, as they are much more likely to get these weapons with the unlocks they have and the skill they are at. On Topic : One bug I found was as Normal Zombie, When Poison Zombie is unlocked, The health bar decreases to half way. Also I keep getting stuck in props (not just me). What I mean is that before that update, regular players/new players maybe wanted to get Comeback,or Saw (or some power ups like that) by playing a lot to earn the GCs,or simply donate,when they got their powerup they maybe feel proud etc,but with the update you can now get the shotty without "playing" (and by playing I mean hardly, a long time,to get what you want to have). It looks good for new players,because they have access to all the weapons (or almost) but for the gamers who passed a long time to collect the powerups, just by earning their GC it's a frustration because getting that powerups prooved you worked hard to get it, and it was something which needed to be deserved, so now it lost his value,and it's just a simple weapon that everyone can pick up like a pistol.
  11. Not always, it's really cool when you have 40 players, and it changes from the classic houses (well, except storm which has a good outside and zs_ tunnels, termites,pub,greenpub,shittyhouse... Are little houses map not really fit for 40 players.)
  12. well,once I asked that zs_thecity should be included,the answer was"too big",but now it's suited for that huge amount of players. Also: -zs_insane asylum -zs_reactor15
  13. For autoshotty,the best would be to simply delete it from droppables weapons.Because if you think about donaters/players who got it,they just lost their money/time and it's just weird,the powerup must stay as it was,that means something which needs to be won,not picked up on a ground. The server musn't fall into the casual-gaming,it was something for "hardcore players"(those who didn't donate and played hardly to get it) it must stay it
  14. I don't really know if it's really a bug but when you're a zombie, the colored dots, which indicate human's health, seems to have a latency between the health's value and its color (like if someone has 30 hp it looks more orange than red). I need to check that, maybe it just comes from me (colored screen mix colors so it's not really clear with the dots)
  15. Download my map,or just look at the screens,it's not huge
  16. EU is dead materially and ZSP is dying slowly but efficiently. And stop upping the topic by re-suggesting a team speak channel,the answer has been given.
  17. Alright,I will try to do what you said,it will take a certain time because I'm not really a pro mapper.
  18. Lol, E.U. Was "the" team of the ZS server no? And,if we use teamspeak,there is the (huge) risk to have noobies on the chat,kiddies spamming etc...Just play ZS sometimes and you'll see what I mean
  19. [French Mode(sorry but it's weird to speak english with someone who speaks french Oo ) Tu veux dire quoi dans ce topic?C'est pour t'excuser d'un glitch ou...???Puis,je sais que t'as du mal avec l'anglais si t'arrives pas
  20. Hello there,I made a new map for Zombie Survival,it's a Fallout based map Here is some screens: (the quality is better on Half life 2 deathmatch and it's less good with Gmod,dunno why :/ ) The map is composed of an opened Zombie spawn (screenshot 2,it's the below part of the screen,behind the garbage barricade) The human spawns are in the village, which is composed of 3 little houses, and yes you've maybe recognized that one of the houses is the zs_thevillage's house where everyone camps,wit h the sofa There is also a small "cabane" (as I would say in french, just a room) located on a kind of bridge, where humans can go hide to resist the hordes of bloodthirsty zombies :noel: At the center of the village, there is an abandoned warhead half-plunged into radioactive liquid. (For those who have Fallout 3 you will understand the reference to the city Megaton ) If you touch the liquid you will lose 1 hp per second, and if you hear a kind of "crac crac" when you're near the nuke it's normal, it's the geiger counter which makes that sound (I didn't check if it worked on gmod but on Half life 2 dm it works). Well,I'll be honest, I've taken a part of gm_atomic's mini village to do that village (the garbage cade,I modified it by texturing because it has been built under source 2.0 engine,which is bad for Half life 2 deathmatch, and also 2 of the houses I modified it and added stuff in it because it was just empty,I removed some parts of them because of some bugs. ) Actually, the map is not 100% ready, I have some bugs to fix, for example that barrel on the last screen, he is black but he isn't black when I play Half life 2 deathmatch, it's Gmod. I also have to test the ladder system because I didn't use the Half life 2 "model" for laddering,I used CSS's one. Well,tell me what you think about the map,It's just an alpha (or a beta? ) version of it,not finished yet but the whole gameplay/design is here Here is the map link (sorry,my Gmod.org's account has been deleted, f*cking Garry >>>:OOOO ) http://www.filefront.com/14291557/zs_rustyvillage.bsp
  21. I don't really see the utility of a TS server, there are already integrated chats-team separated- so it's useless, and you can make a voice chat on steam with your friends,it's enough.
  22. I remember that one. We had it on the server in the early days. Thing is, the map lacks real hiding spots and people could glitch the trains. I can maybe try to improve it a bit ?
  23. I finally found the map I told you once,zs_rabidtransit. I didn't played it for ages because it was on Garry's mod 9's Zombie Survival and I didn't see it on the Mr.green server, but I remember it and it was a funny map,with the trains Link (sorry,there are no screenshots and my Garrysmod.com's account has been deleted...) > http://www.filefront.com/14275179/zs_rabidtransit_b3.bsp There should be more old school maps like that one,in the old times it was really funny
  24. It's a good idea,and you can add "bots" (= AI controlled spaceships) to allow players to earn some XP,so there would be levels like in a mmorpg,at each level you can spend points (for speed,maniability etc...)
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