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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. Abandonned his Green Earth topic D:
  2. Anything I can say to that.. Server turns more bad... I suppose you just say that because you used the exploits with them. Why not trying to fix the cade gun glitch instead of deleting it? Hammer will never replace cade gun because cade gun was especially used in the attics to slow the zombies and block them,hammer can't do it,for the moment maybe,because we can't grab props to place it where we want. Also,why not a substitute gun if you don't want cade gun to be back?It can be like a cade gun which needs to be charged by picking up wood debris for example (you break a wood crate and pick up its parts to charge a bar which represents a plank,and for each plank you need wood parts etc...) ? It can be a good alternative, people have to find pieces of wood to make a plank and they can't glitch because they need to charge the gun.
  3. Has putted me in his sig
  4. Thinks that he spams,which is true.
  5. Agrees with the fact that Chainsaw is an incult and doesn't knows Halo's Characters (Chain>My avatar is my Halo 3's character in multiplayer,an Elite (and the signature is also my Elite in a different armor). (it's a joke dude! )
  6. Is in the same group as me
  7. Has almost the same picutre in signature
  8. Has a green name
  9. Okie thanks
  10. I personally look forward to a time when we might just possibly have liquid nitrogen cooling, THAT would be the best cooling system ever! But my phone doesn't get warm really,unless its charging which the battery gets hot, same with my ipod, but that could be because both of them are old 99
  11. I have watercooling system in my pc,muahaha :noel:
  12. Likes killing me when I do epic runs
  13. Walker Texas Ranger (the intro one^^) after watching some :noel: videos XD
  14. If the PC is in a room which is not hot,it can't happens?
  15. Weird,it works only in France? I had same thing with one of my video,it was a rick roll.
  16. Use a translator for that one :noel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVsU1vXO66I...feature=related You have been :noel: roll'd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIhW6JCaPpk&feature=fvw
  17. Well,I've been victim of an unfair and weird bug. On zs_zincoshine_revamp, I was zombie,I killed 5 humans so basically I could redeem. Before getting my 4th kill to redeem I desactivated autoredeem,to redeem later,I waited that there were just 2 or 3 humans, at this moment I reactivated autoredeem and when I pushed F2 nothing happened Oo I checked if autoredeem was activated,it was,so apparently it's a bug,I pushed again and again F2,nothing :s It's weird, I used to do like that every time I'm zombie:desactivating autoredeem,get my kills then I wait and activate !autoredeem then F2 (or chem suicide when there wasn't the update)
  18. Sorry I had to do this too^^
  19. This topic is useless -.- If I say I had been in top brains eaten in Zombie Survival,who cares?
  20. Just brag about a good score, that's all. Huh,they really need a topic to talk about that? -.-"
  21. I don't understand what's the topic's goal but nice score :3
  22. I think your application is too short,to be honest,you should give more details like why you think you will be a good admin etc...you see? I never played on Mrgeen's CSS server so I can't say anything about if you're very present etc... As always, it's op to the Top Crew
  23. Stalker > This topic concerns Zombie Survival's update,not Infected Wars. Create another topic or find a topic which already talks about that but for IW, not ZS.
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