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Mr. Green Gaming


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DesTrRO last won the day on March 15 2023

DesTrRO had the most liked content!

About DesTrRO

  • Birthday 09/01/1997

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  1. STREAM !! PP MEETING MR.GREEN GAMING #mta #youtube #stream #live #youtuber https://youtu.be/Ru_joPY6IHk START 20:00
  2. You started insulting me first, it's a pity that you are such a dodger that you didn't show screenshots of your insults you got the right blocker because I saw what you were doing, I'm not going to discuss with you because you are toxic and primitive
  3. Good Luck!
  4. GL Bro!
  5. -AQ-H@rD$tYleRZ!
  6. Good Luck!
  7. @Haxardous i don't know much about scripting.
  8. Server: MR Green - Race Age: 23 Country of origin: Poland Link to Steam Community profile *: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029863219/ Discord name **: HarD$tYleRZ#5358 In-game name: H@rD$tYleRZ! Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I would like to become a map manager because they are simply missing on this server and recently a lot of maps no have been tested for a week or 2 weeks for testing before map manager comes in and I play almost every day so I could take care
  9. Powodzenia Ziom! / Good Luck Brother!
  10. Thank you too for the distinction .
  11. @GameR210
  12. because I created my 1 account and then I had a break and forgot my password and I was unable to recover the account, so a new one was created
  13. Gameserver: MrGreen RACE Age: 22 Country of origin: Poland Link to Steam Community profile *: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029863219/ Discord name **: Ingame name: HarD$tYleRZ! Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hi! My name is Kamil I am 22 years old. I'm interested in computer science, that's why I'm finishing computer science school and I'm sitting in the field of computer science. In my free time I also like to play some games. I must admit that I have been playing on server for 8 years, where I have been playing GTA SA for 15 years, I know this game very well. I am sending this application because I would like to make sure that the server is in order, in my opinion the server is missing the right people to watch it because there are days when there is no admin or moderator, and on server enters noobs players and make clutters chat trash and makes it difficult for others to play server participants. They impudently block vehicles and break the rules. I visit the server very often virtually every day, so I think I would be able to make sure that nobody breaks the rules on the server. Thank you and greetings.
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