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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by DzinyMaster

  1. Holy truth that's what I meant killdziny.lua this script shouldn't kill me on its own map until it's my map
  2. Good luck weedyman you will muted behind piercing Me wait how nick026 will silence you Good luck Fil you will muted behind piercing Me wait how nick026 will silence you
  3. This Is violence weddy and matrix fil should be banned because I am fed up with violence about me because it is very bad because it is not allowed to do so because people who are muted plus one more weedy calls me as lisa and more and the bastards do not respect me for what kind of behavior I'm sick of hearing the words of violence about me and that's the end of the talking
  4. I do not have [Admin] and [Dev] tags how do i program it
  5. [{player escaper}] death message you can't fight you have a punishment (gm) color message 255.0.0 [{gm kill Derby}] [{gm kill Shooter}] [{gm kill Deadline}] [{gm kill Manhunt}] :kill player: Time Kill derby 10 second Start Kill shooter gm fight Start Kill deadline gm fight Survivor Kill manhunt die immediately ;Limit Time Duration 100 Years; [message punishent] you are a runaway [time end punishent] What and what's next in the script ??? thanks for idea it should get rid of killdziny.lua
  6. LikeyMikey uploaded wrong topic In map Markers 1, one part of the map is in LS airport and finish line is near by exiting the airport. like mike skips most of the checkpoints, grabs hay, barrel, spike and oil markers and puts them all at the exit of the airport, ruining the time for whoever is 1st. Screens show what he has placed at the moment, he also drove into the barrels and blew me up and in TAB you can see how I was on my 42 of 46 checkpoints while likemike was only on 17. Fla
  7. Fil as moderator absolutely no
  8. Still Waiting for new command /escaper punishent
  9. opposite paintjob (it is missing in Pjtester)
  10. Map 1: SuperStar Shooter Map 2: Stadium Rivial LV Manhunt <-- Couldn't find this map Map 3: Ultra Papatka 3 Never The same
  11. In Discord I said This is the bug you see Player is laughing out loud at Player (fix it immediately) I'll say something else the ignored player should not be able to see /loud and /f Is Laughing out at and respect (this error for years no one has asked that it is a mistake of the ignored player)
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