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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by DzinyMaster

  1. Just Unmute DzinyMaster
  2. I'd like to play with mods in server mrgreen Game Minecraft Servermodded IP Mcgreengamingmodded.com Gameversion 1.12.2 ForgeVersion Download Recommended Allowed mods Quark Charm More Player Models ProjectE Iron Chests Better Advancements The Twilight Forest MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod Hwyla Iron Backpacks Aether Netherex Future Versions Cavern II Backpacks malisisdoors speedyladders totemexpansion XL-Food stygian placeableitems MoreFurnaces FallingTree BetterBuildersWands BasicNetherOres Veinminer And More
  3. When NotAleksCore will be again AleksCore

  4. image.png.83916c77040f2c617c363408e7dd60ef.png

    Ciken Not Work chat 

  5. End With Jocking Want unmute now in mta sa give unmute
  6. someone stole the beds for Villages if any player was here and did it I wonder who it was one of them someone did griefing look for the perpetrator
  7. need to add ExcludedVechilesNTS.Lua That would be peace
  8. Unmute Job and Me
  9. /Escaper Player Duration (command Escaper can kill player immediately in SH DD) /Unescaper Player Unescaper Command (unescaper immediately stops kill player in SH DD) /addescaper Player Adding Escaper command to Serial player in SH DD /removeescaper Player Removing Escaper command to Serial player in SH DD Why this not added [Escaper] I tried to say it if someone had not deleted which topics about topics [Escaper] Confirmed P.S why are you telling me to do this script escaper I can't make this script this idea was for admins and moderators [Escaper] is supposed to remove killdziny.lua has to replace [Escaper] Tag as much as I say (one more thing I have the right to come back to shooter and derby but no offense)
  10. no please don't make me as blocker
  11. Please he jocking This jocking he jocking i im not blocker This jocking he jocking i im not blocker he got in my way
  12. SpecKash.lua Script Finished
  13. Create Script SpecKash.Lua
  14. Watch Video
  15. Unmute DzinyMaster In mta sa
  16. Best Modded Skin ever
  17. Hello everyone This is my first Event which I planned 1ST Greencoins 7500 + 5 Days Vip 2ND Greencoins 4500 + 2 Days Vip 3RD Greencoins 1000 Maps [MH] Rocks [MH] Dust 2 [SH] Village 2 [SH] Calin [SH] Homer Fight Car [NTS] Marathon 3 [NTS] Ultra Papatka [NTS] Core Markers 2 [DD] Prisoner 19 [DD] Cross Dziny [DD] Green Forest [DD] Munky [RTF] WTF [RTF] no sc [RTF] Papatka 4 [DL] Samba to Brazil [Race] Just Race v6 [Race] Enola Gay Rules No Killdziny.lua No Ulghy words No Command /loud No Toxic Chat No Ulghy words to dzinymaster No Cheating No ghostmode Description Goodluck My first Event coming Soon Start waiting for approval
  18. Weedyman marycockins AosKratos Pegux Matrix Banned or muted
  19. I've had enough Today Weedyman marycockins AosKratos Pegux Matrix get ban or mute forever they exaggerated Admins I want you to mute non-polite players that was the last ruling (I don't like when someone writes ugly about me behind my back)
  20. Best Fail Ever in Benox map
  21. Running is allowed
  22. Admins add /escaper
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