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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by xeim

  1. xeim

    Day Z

    Maybe i will crawl over some that you did not see because it was hidden in the grass ???? WHAT THEN MINKY HUH ? WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY IF THAT HAPPENS!?!
  2. xeim

    Day Z

    This will be a really long trip to the others if we do not find any morphine Minky
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TechnoNegro



      -Do not advertise any other websites or servers

    3. MiF


      ^ He is not advertising, just linking like you would link YT video etc. And wth @xeim

    4. TechnoNegro


      I think ill just move to Fishwithahat's new status update.

  3. xeim

    Day Z

    I should really play but i have an old version and i am scared to install a new one xD
  4. xeim

    Fancy Picture

    ... Wait... What the fuck is this guy asking for? A Barrel Roll!
  5. Where the hell did it say that. I was gonna say, I dont remember that being brought up at all. You promised us remember? I'll force a rule to max 1 prop/ragdoll/sent per player then The Mr.Green pose your ragdoll server!
  6. See you black people on Friday

  7. http://i.imgur.com/QwRpQ.jpg THIS CAT IS SLIGHTLY OVERWEIGHT!
  8. Just me and Minky on Guild Wars 2 (I am the EagleRaptor) http://i.imgur.com/0q5r2.jpg

    1. Dr.Minky



  9. xeim

    Day Z

    Okay bought .. so i hope you didnt all lie and there is a mod called DayZ
  10. xeim

    Day Z

    Me and Xeim are gonna get it :> downloading ARMA II free now Prepare for the elite arian squad Are there any jewish ZOmbies in the game ? *shit i have to refrain from being a racist ingame* j/k
  11. xeim

    Day Z

    Xeim is lazy, someone buy it for me so Minky and I can have sexy times with zombies.
  12. Happey Birthdays
  13. Don't fuck with the motherfucker!

    the last guy they talk to xD
  14. Getting kicked from our Teamspeak every 5 minutes or so .. then i have problems to get back in <. why does that happen to me oo>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ywa
    3. xeim


      fact it , it did not happen to me today ^^ thx if you did smth ywa but i assume you did not

  15. A Black, Gay, Jewish Rapper :D

  16. ----------------------------- Xilent - Ultra ----------------------------- Just because i like the anime do not really listen to it when i am not watching this anime and i will propably never again if there is no second season but its still a good intro!
  17. Russian Taskbar > ( sorry no idea how this happened)
  18. Would anyone mind helping me to portforwad for gmod ? i always forget how to do it and i want to play with a friend without all those douches that do not understand my art

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dr.Minky
    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      And yet, no one sais "Yes, I can help you portforward, xeim!"

  19. How to save a game in gmod 13 ? Silly me :(

    1. xeim


      saved with console now but why is there no option to save ingame <.< also its a pain to remember the save name so you can loadi t again via console xD

    2. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Notepad is your best friend.

    1. xeim


      It looks like ... his combine's balls are about to be blown http://mirrors.rit.edu/instantCSI/ .... okay that was bad but couldnt think of one

  20. And my first Singleplayer experience I especially liked this model
  21. The first server i joined was run be these friendly people : Sweet Huh ?
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