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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by xeim

  1. And as i already said i will not wear any pants that day and the day after and the day after
  2. That is most interesting ! Tell me more.
  3. Love the game ^^ origin is okeys i guess ... well i still hate origin xD
  4. Sitting in philosophy class.. maybe drink a german coke

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xeim


      philosophy ... what am i supposed to learn here?

    3. Baron Baconeer
    4. TechnoNegro


      Gtfo with ur german cokes.

  5. I did not play GW1 either and it is not neccessary to enjoy gw2 ^^
  6. meh I have no in game name yet :L!! That takes me about 1 week to figure out. The Incredible Luke Lukeson Lukarian Destroyer NukedatLuke ect. ^^ I was thinking about generating Luke Nukem into a Chinese text based name. Yiddish - לוק נוקעם# Chinese - 卢克毁灭公爵 Don't you think it would be strange to have a name in chinese letters ?everyone will think you are a chinese boy ! How about Korean then even the PvE monsters will back off because they know what they're like on Starcraft. Koreans.. i fear them ! Lucifer Odinson or Lucifer Nuckum. Lucifer Nuckum is better because it is more like nuckem^^
  7. meh I have no in game name yet :L!! That takes me about 1 week to figure out. The Incredible Luke Lukeson Lukarian Destroyer NukedatLuke ect. ^^ I was thinking about generating Luke Nukem into a Chinese text based name. Yiddish - לוק נוקעם# Chinese - 卢克毁灭公爵 Don't you think it would be strange to have a name in chinese letters ?everyone will think you are a chinese boy ! How about Korean then even the PvE monsters will back off because they know what they're like on Starcraft. Koreans.. i fear them !
  8. Just installing it ^^ it can not be that bad from what i have seen and what i have played in the beta ! It is still Battlefield and has awesome graphics and Vehicle Fun
  9. meh I have no in game name yet :L!! That takes me about 1 week to figure out. The Incredible Luke Lukeson Lukarian Destroyer NukedatLuke ect. ^^ I was thinking about generating Luke Nukem into a Chinese text based name. Yiddish - לוק נוקעם# Chinese - 卢克毁灭公爵 Don't you think it would be strange to have a name in chinese letters ?everyone will think you are a chinese boy !
  10. meh I have no in game name yet :L!! That takes me about 1 week to figure out. The Incredible Luke Lukeson Lukarian Destroyer NukedatLuke ect. ^^
  11. Chieftain Xeim .... sweet ^^
  12. "The Resident Evil 6 Premium Edition will come complete with a Leon Kennedy leather jacket and cost a whopping £810. Do you go in for collector's editions? " Why would i want that ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sneed


      Well the main question is, will Peon get this?

    3. Dr.Minky


      Of course he will

    4. Luke Nukem
  13. Best pack ^^ thats the first thing i bought on my steam account ! Pretty post you made there Damien ^^
  14. Iron Sky : The best movie 2012!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. xeim


      i payed 8 €


    3. TechnoNegro


      ”if you go to the theater”

      Pfff... I would never torrent any movie.

    4. TechnoNegro


      ”if you go to the theater”

      Pfff... I would never torrent any movie.

  15. xeim

    Admin forum

    Yep it obviously is his sever (just joined) ^^ well good luck anyway
  16. I can not preorder it until sunday ... because my mom is not coming home this week
  17. I want to meet Dusty :> TOO BAD. HE'S ALL MINE. Uh... Dark, are you ga--- best friend of his? HE SURE IS
  18. Sucks that i can not code or do anything but give ideas
  19. Meh its on my birthday <.<
  20. Then i must be pretty mental ...
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