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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by xeim

  1. xeim

    Day Z

    u guess you meant sound or something =) well the server my camp is on is down the whole day and i have my broken legs cant get to morphine :<
  2. xeim

    Day Z

    Fuck when i answered the phone a zmbie ttacked me and broke my fkn legs got no morphine with me ...
  3. xeim

    Day Z

    Had some fun Looting of Cherno and traveling with Wezrine =) damn i was so fast ... meth is helluva drug
  4. xeim

    Day Z

    Well i am playing on NL 22 (the german one) no idea why it is called nl 22 though
  5. xeim

    Day Z

    Well since me and my friends got shot yesterday in some random military camp (<.<) i respawned in Balota and headed to Zelenoblablabal to meet up with my friends , we then decided to scavenge the police station and the supermarket while we still waited for someone and i shot 40 zombies camping the supermarket door, then we headed east to find a good place to set up our camp while chilling out and scavenging all the stuff we found .. then we searched for cows ... we got us some boars .. raped them .. cooked them , ate them ... one of my friends then arrived from cherno with some morphine and some blood that he gave me right away because i was down to 3k after i got raped in the anus hard and passed out ... then we my bro got attackd by a lagging zombie which broke his legs but luckily we still had his morphine so we could go on and we eventually found a good FLAT place for our tent <.< damn this got unprofessional and nobody is gonna read this anyway , well now i will make my way back to cherno to get some car parts and get ourselfs a ride ! EDIT : Btw meeting players at night staring at the ground with a zombie skin is kind of scary ... but THATS OKAY
  6. That guy with the claws is the biggest pussy
  7. xeim

    Day Z

    Meh my brother had to go so i gave him the tent and my weapon because i will suicide
  8. xeim

    Day Z

    Me and my brother got attacked by a zombie fled in a barn and got hit my bro then passed out for 12 minutes <.<
  9. I can't remember all that stuff -.- just as i can only guess what my first computer game was
  10. Dat Hale
  11. Bought ^^ i already finished the sp when it was released but the mp mod looks fun as hell hha
  12. xeim

    Day Z

    Haha awesome ^^
  13. Gotta catch them all !
  14. Kill the Nation !

  15. It may have been the First Need For Speed game, but thats just the first one i remember
  16. happy day
  17. I am not sure how you got to aliens but, I am sure that some further developed life than bacteria exists away from earth since there are so many planets that are a lot like ours and who the fuck knows how big the universe is "at the moment". And if you talk about what will happen when we die, we are dead , i guess it will be like sleeping after having a night with a lot of beer and other alkohol and you do not dream or anything.
  18. xeim

    Source Film Maker

  19. yeah it was really obviously meant to be a hakenkreuz ^^
  20. hmhm 6 weeks >:D

    1. Dr.Minky


      hmhmmm gw2 gmgmgjhhmhmmm


    1. Mathijs1996


      Get it delivered I say

    1. Mathijs1996


      Oh wow you need GW2 badly :V

    2. Dr.Minky


      Yea bro, hold in there buddy, 2 months to go

    3. Mathijs1996
  22. Please fix the tf2 plugins Clavus, I BEG YOU!

    1. Mr. Darkness
    2. MiF


      I launched TF2 couple days ago first time in couple months to get the pyrovision thing. "Hmm maybe I should screw around with disguise juzu thing... Oh nvm" Nuts :V

    3. Dr.Minky


      Xeim, the medic launcher plugin wont work because the quick fix has rocket jump now

  23. Officer Xeim can't wait > Mathjis you shall be dominated by my me! BTW mathjis you chose a nice song for your sig ^^ xilent is still one of the best !
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