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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by xeim

  1. Tell me what this game is already
  2. And this is why i dont have a 3d monitor ( And of course because they are frigging expensive Oo)
  3. Also be controlled by German Mice!
  4. WE will be super epic super cool epic super epic cool cool wool wool ehh hool dool Cool cool again eh Cookie
  5. True Story Bro .. Usually i always say i am like 25 but somehow i forgot because i had to much jizz in my pants while signing up!
  6. Already signed up ^^ Signups are open for 48 hours
  7. Cadtyler why i am banned? Xeim Cadtyler aww
  8. Scary now
  9. Nature is our mother, we are sucklings at her breast. And he who tries to beat her down will lose her to the rest. ViFdAeGo Oh Hell No
  10. Please stop the gif spam that poor guy just failed at typing and thinking .. DONT BE SO RUDE!
  11. You sure did
  12. Our mother nature is a whore!
  13. BTW a lot of the beta videos were not filmed at the highest possible graphic settings because there still are problems with the engine or something so it runs very bad even on a good computer :3 just saying
  14. http://kotaku.com/5886430/ten-things-i-learned-from-the-guild-wars-2-beta-weekend
  15. dat mustard burns my nose

    1. Mathijs1996


      then don't put it in your nose

  16. xeim

    Hey all.

  17. THAT !!! does not matter i haven't either ^^
  18. xeim

    terra nova

    Well you know ... maybe we have never spoken english ! Google Chrome knows that the english we know is not really english but Thai
  19. xeim

    terra nova

    I don't get what you want to tell me with this topic and the previous one
  20. My brother almost killed my computer with a virus while i was not at home .. now i lost lots of data because i had to get back to my backup

  21. xeim

    Away !

    Auf wiedersehen, mein Freund
  23. Fucking shit all those people that cry about ACTA when they hardly heard of it like 2 days ago and now go all pro mode ... I HATED IT BEFORE IT WAS COOL!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Lazy Peon

      The Lazy Peon

      C====3 to you, Sir

    3. Hundred2


      No one bothers to read about this: FUCKING BITCHES.

      Those who didn't know about it, now know about it: FUCKING BITCHES.

    4. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      I simply can't take anything beginning with "fucking shit" seriously.

  24. I set 3 alarms but none of them rung ???? DAFUUUUQ

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sentra
    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Lol, true story. I had that like 12 times happened already. I was like FUUUUUUUUU!

    4. Darkstar


      You probably set it for PM not AM :P

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