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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by xeim

    1. xeim


      i know i am a fanboy

  1. i somehow can not register
  2. Bitch please give him some time
  3. Never got a mail from l4g and i dont know why you would want to delete the account it does not affect you in any way and who does not use facebook ?
  4. I wonder what faggot tought of that overflow channel system .. it is nearly impossible to play with someone else! (also they should optimize the game so not half of the people with decent computers get the worst fps ever as soon as a group event starts <.<)
  5. Still can not play ... fuck
  7. Fix'd I do not get how a competitive online game can have a set difficulty -.- Wth..
  8. I wish BF3 would look like that on my computer
  9. Chilling in the Main Menuuus
  10. :=) This game will be a really special Sauce!
  11. This Guy. Admin. Now!
  12. xeim

    Crysis 3

    Meh crysis <.< booring
  13. I don't like people who troll on diablo ... screw you we are not friends anymore
  14. And it is up again guys!
  15. Pufu and me have finished the game 8 Times now!
  16. Rub em Hard !
  17. I always see that pedo-stache on darkness' face Oo is it just me ?
  18. That logic ... you should really play it !
  19. Actually it is a Beta. End of story.
  20. As the title says the first (and propably only) Diablo 3 Open Beta Weekend starts today at 12:00am (PDT) until Sunday 10:00am (PDT)! You can now download the Beta Client here : Diablo 3 Beta Client ! If you press on download game Clients on your account. We shall all slay some Demons and some Leorics this Weekend You can find informations on the Beta here : Info as long as you can speak/read german ^^ did not find the english article so fast Here the Black Soulstone Cinematic Trailer for you to enjoy while you download the game !
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