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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by terminator

  1. You didn't adress the question to anybody specifically so basically yeah.. faggot?
  2. no
  3. Fun fact: Awesomeo isn't an admin. Sorry, I fail to see where he said awesomeo. I believe it is that part. Either that, or it's a really odd word placement. Magnets?
  4. snow + car = fun times

    1. FishWithAHat


      snow + bike + broken brakes = fun times?

    2. Sentra


      I'd say "@awesome times"

  5. I broke the RPM counter on my car :\

  6. The settings on the video do not allow us to see the video set them to public....
  7. Just one fucking question why in fucks name would you play on console???
  8. Why not?
  9. Yeah i just cant believe i wasted 3 hours of my life standing in an elevator with a dozen other people and chilling out in the top suite making drinks playing pool,slot machine and watching video's of my little pony on youtube? the fuck just happened?
  10. Small question what is this mod about?? it looks fun!
  11. Yet another speeding ticket :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Balmung


      Why did I read this as speedhacking ticket?

    3. Clavus


      Tip: drive slower.

  12. Lil sumtin i made today

    1. Raptor


      I'm sure you enjoy car crash videos a lot :o

  13. LOL! Ah well good luck to ya!
  14. Its not hard to just hide that section, stop acting like a dick and deal with it. Your one of the people who feels the need to cure their e-penis of relief by posting in ban topics flaming. Why not just take a chill pill for once? Not flaming just putting my opinion in the mix. You call me a dick? and yet you're the selfish bastard here.. We have a thread to make this forum better, and yet your only input is ''deal with it'' Instead of trying to help or say something usefull you tell others to stop flaming and ''deal with it'' Honestly why don't you deal with us trying to make this a better place, so put your selfishness aside and let us have this discussion..
  15. Are you fucking kidding me? The amount of spam is fucking retarded there's like a gazillion unique topics every 5 minutes of some 9 year old whining to get an unban! Only a small amount is due to replying... Because 1 person find's something usefull should several dozen others be annoyed? I don't think so.. Maybe build something so MC users can subscribe on forums changes for that particular section. It has to go, cause it really kills my boner! Just my thoughts and you know i'm right...
  16. Sounds good but some maps will drain fps even on high end rigs. where do we engage the limit? i'd suggest around 18fps as a minimum, below that for more then 1 minute = autokick.
  17. It already got raised a while ago wich didn't improve gameplay i would highly advise against a raise of another 50MS better move to europe or play on another server....
  18. These people deserve an oscar!!!
  19. I've build a mountain every morning i wake up
  20. Star wars.. Tough one here: Would you rather suck a cock or a hairy mans anus? Death is not an option.
    1. mogadonskoda


      challenge accepted

    2. xeim


      And this son is where all the gay boys come from

  22. Thats what she said
  23. 10/10!!!! Nice music and good editing!!
  24. Get some powerfull magnets and put them on your hard drive it should fix things!! I tried the magnets and lost all my pR0n! Now what? I am afraid that if the magnets didn't work this is out of my hands!!! But you should try this guy he's obviously a professional!!
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