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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Clavus

  1. Hanging around the house and gaming. Nothing special
  2. Wow, awesome Do you have any digital art too? Coloured versions? EDIT: oh I see some good stuff on yer DeviantART
  3. Start a new one. Don't even attempt to fix this.
  4. That is, when you get VAC banned from a Valve game. I don't know if you can still play online in GMod if you get VAC ban in GMod itself.
  5. The damage and health of the fast headies will be decreased somewhat seeing the many complaints.
  6. Current kill counts won't be included to give everyone an equal start (except for donaters of course, they get their donations transferred).
  7. Sorry, but mapping for ZS is a lot different than mapping for CSS Zombie Mod. This map would really suck.
  8. I'll look into the wall glitch.
  9. Release! Download Alternate mirror Screens: Requirements: Only HL2! Episodes are not needed.
  10. Added: zs_clav_massive Bringing screenshots of my new masterpiece in a sec
  11. If you're permanently banned on Mr. Green because of hacking or any other reason you were banned in the past, we're not going to unban you.
  12. That was one of the issues. They seemed to fire multiple times. Also the shotgun animation could get stuck during reloading (same goes for magnum, although that looked pretty neat). Hopefully all these things are now fixed
  13. Trying to add HDR right now. My eyes burned out during the first builds... EDIT: ZHAZAM!
  14. Well duh Alternate route to the house
  15. Holy shit. Now just hope the map is just as fun to play on as the screens are beautiful
  16. Luckily a whole lot of other things got fixed too (yay finally better SWEP prediction!), so it isn't that bad But I was used to the auto-reloading too
  17. Not until the end Moar WIP screens! (still working on that top floor)
  18. Yeah there's ground, only halfway down you'll encounter a trigger_hurt you won't survive.
  19. Moar screens. All very WIP. There are no lights and HDR yet, and I'm still adding detail. My fps = kickass
  20. Been working it some more this afternoon.
  21. You seem to be pretty pro at this. Got any previous maps to show us?
  22. I'm currently renewing my website www.clavusstudios.com. Hopefully I'll succeed in implanting a good PayPal buying system for future commercial projects (keep on dreaming Clavus...). Anyway, with the new website I also needed a new logo. The previous logo looked kinda bad and only worked on a black background, so the new logo is meant to be more versatile. Here's the result of a whole afternoon of pretending I'm a graphics artist: The whole thing (might be used in the starting screen of my games) (and yeah, that's me). Mid-sized logo Long-sized version. Will probably end up as the header on the new website New avatar And a userbar, just for fun. Comment and criticize!
  23. We've got quite a list already, but more maps can never be a bad thing
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