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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. Being used to a type of controls doesn't necessarily make it superior. We'll have to see how it holds up over time.

    You clearly havent played Battlefield 2, therefore you dont know what we mean. The gameplay and handling itself on jets and choppers is complete crap.

    I have played Battlefield 2 and I think that you are just whining.

    The controls are fine on the jets and choppers.

    Stop wanting Battlefield 2 with updated graphics.

    I dont see how can you even think like that because the flying is absolutely shit compared to Battlefield 2. And yes, I will keep comparing the controls to Battlefield 2 because they were perfect in BF2 and I dont see why did they need to change them to worse.

  2. Being used to a type of controls doesn't necessarily make it superior. We'll have to see how it holds up over time.

    You clearly havent played Battlefield 2, therefore you dont know what we mean. The gameplay and handling itself on jets and choppers is complete crap.

  3. Youtube link for Operation Firestorm, big vehicles based map. Looks, well, not so good.

    How so? I think it looks awesome. I'm a fan of the big vehicle maps. More options for ambush and flanking, or just downright steamrolling a tank in.

    Yes it does look good when you think about playing it with vehicles, but Im afraid that it has the same kind of lack of vehicles that Caspian Border does(hard to find a jeep elsewhere than homebase).

  4. What exaclty can the squad leader do, since in beta he really cant do anything. No UAV, Artillery, vehicle drops, supplies...


    [lainaus] 1. Squad issues: Cannot play with friends within same squad, squads get split up onto opposite teams, etc.

    There will be improved squad functionality in the retail game (including but not limited to): the ability to create squads prior to launching into a game, sticking with your squad when joining a game and continuing together through future games (If team balance on the server allows it), inviting friends to a squad and changing squads once in game.

    2. Regarding additional Open Beta content and fixes/patches for consoles, including PlayStation 3 issues with chat and party systems

    While we would like to patch the Open Beta, DICE is currently focusing its available resources on polishing the retail game.

    3. Will DICE have enough time to iron out everything by release?

    Please see General Manager Karl Magnus Troedsson's blog post regarding this question.

    4. Can we have ability to change settings/options before deployment into match on PC?

    The ability to modify your settings via the deploy screen has been added into the retail game.

    5. Issues with terrain stability and "falling into the map" on Operation Métro

    This has been fixed for the beta via a server side update.

    6. Kill cam sometimes zooms out too far or outside the map

    This has been fixed for the launch of the retail game.

    7. A bug that sometimes keeps some players from being able to sprint

    This has been fixed for the launch of the retail game.

    8. Screen flickering/stuttering. Blue screen remains after respawn. Game locks up after deploying C4 (360)

    This has been fixed for the launch of the retail game.

    9. Downed bodies appear to be dead, but are not

    The DICE team has been looking into this issue - which is caused by a combination of incidents in a confined area - and are working hard to address the issue for the launch of the retail game.

    10. Why is the hit detection seemingly different from Battlefield: Bad Company 2?

    The netcode is one of the many things that we are testing as part of the Open Beta and is not necessarily reflective of the final retail game. The DICE team appreciates and has heard the feedback you've provided and is further optimizing online play.

  5. Battlefield>MW3 IMO. Commander function ftw :3

    Who said there will be a commander fuction? Its more likely that suck-ass DICE decides to leave it out.

    And the lack of vehicles is disturbing. Its hard to find even one jeep near a flag, only vehicles seem to be located in main bases.

  6. Amazing, just amazing. No lag for me at all, beatiful and great map. There is a few cons though; too much AT weapons and the Stinger is unlocked way too early and make flying hell. And wat, you can SPAWN to jets?

    Also, right when I spawned to one my keyboard stopped working again, they should also fix that bug.

  7. Just had the best round ever, 63-22, and what makes it so special is that I got it on Xbox.

    E: Just bought BF3 SpecAct + Dogtag kit, was only 3,99€ and I got RO2 with 14,99€ when I bought them.

  8. I would guess that it has something to do with co-op or something.

    E: Also GJ Battlelog. I now have 67 Rush ribbons but it hasnt given me the Rush medal. I hate this thing more and more every day.

    You need rush winner ribbons.

    I see. Why does it say "Obtain 50 Rush Ribbons" instead "Obtain 50 Rush Winner Ribbons" then. Stupid Battlelog.

  9. Everything seems to get back on track. Now nothing stops this game from being GOTY. Even though I also want proper source for the squad management.

    Edit: Wut, I didnt understand a word in TechnoNegro's post below. Someone translate.

  10. I would guess that it has something to do with co-op or something.

    E: Also GJ Battlelog. I now have 67 Rush ribbons but it hasnt given me the Rush medal. I hate this thing more and more every day.

  11. I think it looks great, even if the story changed totally.

    You can't stay for ever in a dark and sad city to cry about your dead wife and kid.

    It might feel diffrent to the earlier story, but maybe the game needed a new image.

    Maybe Max Payne needed a new image. I like Rambo Payne.

    Im saying that the game should still take place in New York, and the change of place might be a good thing. But as I said earlier this game has nothing to do with Max Payne exept the name. They have completely changed the looks of Max Payne (who was to be made to look like Sami Järvi, scriptwriter of Max Payne), and the gameplay is just like any other generic shooter.

    Also, Max Payne didnt need a new image. How can you even fucking say that since you havent even played the original games?

  12. And Rockstar Games have seriously raped Max Payne, nothing like the first two games, total discrace towards Remedy(the inventor and developer of MP1 & 2). I loved Max Payne 1 and 2 because they are simply great games, but this game just ruins the original spirit of Max Payne, RR just wants to milk money out of it.

    First Americans raped/ruined the Max Payne movie, and now they are going to ruin the so called "sequel".

  13. What are you saying? Are you with or against Battlelog? Do you like squads being only in Battlelog?

    If they seriously dont change this, I am officially cancelling my pre-order.

    Aslong I can play with my friends in one squad, wich will be possible due to the private squad feature, I'm fine.

    You wish.

    You did notice the checkbox on the squads menu, right?

    I did, and as I said earlier, if the squad management is battlelog-only, I will cancel my pre-order. Simple as that.

  14. What are you saying? Are you with or against Battlelog? Do you like squads being only in Battlelog?

    If they seriously dont change this, I am officially cancelling my pre-order.

    Aslong I can play with my friends in one squad, wich will be possible due to the private squad feature, I'm fine.

    You wish.

  15. http://n4g.com/news/...agement-in-game

    Good job EA & Dice. No sale from me now.

    Hmmm... now I'm confused, I did talk to the german battlefield community manager on teamspeak and according to him the squad system is still in development. Could be possible that he wasn't up to date, however I will wait for the release.

    The squad system hasnt been locked yet because of the huge amount of feedpack. I sure hope that they change it.

  16. That's what you get for being Recon 100% of the time

    Good recons are needed, which actually defend and kill people. But those who are just there to kill enemy recons....

    Indeed, so get off dumbshit island

    What Navo said.

    Recons are useless 90% of the time if they are using sniper rifles. If a recon uses a PDW and can do shit, like place spawnpoints, then he's usefull.

  17. Unlocks suck. "We have 10x more unlockable stuff than in Bad Company 2". When in reality every gun has 12 different sights (6 scopes, 4 RDS/Holos) and only a few usefull things.

    35-80 fps on max settings :)

    The beta doesnt have Ultra settings just to let you know.

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