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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. Just got flares for attack choppers, didnt even have a chance to test them since the game crashed while I got to the chopper.

    E: Heatseakers unlocked.

    well, im probably gonna get my copy today, theres some dlc code inside the limited edition disk case? And what about the dao-12 shotty and dogtags ? Only from gamestop?

    Limited Edition has Back to Karkand and the four extra skins DLC. Not the Physical Warfare pack.

    In Finland at least, Origin gave Karkand and Physical Warfare package.

  2. What the hell is your problem guys? The crashing isnt my fault, it's the game what's crashing, nor do I want it to crash. I've already been talking with EA live chat(didnt help obviously).

    Am I just supposed to sit back and not play the game, the game I've been waiting for years?

  3. That's the stupidest argument there is. Working fine for you =/= works fine for everyone else.

    That's the stupidest argument there is. If its broken for you =/= its broken for everyone else.

    When did I say that? Oh wait, I didnt. The game crashes for everyone of my friends. Does a well done game do that? No.

    The game crashes for none of my friends. Does a well done game do that? Absolutely.

    No. A well done game crashes for no one, this game crashes exactly the same way beta did. You would think they have a beta to fix problems what appear in it, but apparently not.

  4. That's the stupidest argument there is. Working fine for you =/= works fine for everyone else.

    That's the stupidest argument there is. If its broken for you =/= its broken for everyone else.

    When did I say that? Oh wait, I didnt. The game crashes for everyone of my friends. Does a well done game do that? No.

  5. He probably means the fact you need to register to all these extra services in order to be able to play BF3..

    It's what I hate about GTAIV too, Social club, GFWL etc..

    Remember these days you could just double click the shortcut on your desktop and a few moments later you were ready to play?

    Good ol' times..

    Yes that's what I ment. Battlelog would be awesome if it really was fast and worked right, LIKE IT WAS PROMISED TO. Origin, well, Origin will suck no matter what.

  6. I seriously dont under stand EA. Why did they release a game that clearly isn't done? Game crashes way too often, at least once/twice an hour, sometimes crashes even before I get inside the server.

    Also, Battlelog =/= fast. I like it because it has friends and shit, but it sure is slow as hell. Few of my friends are also having serious problems with it, like I did in beta.

    Bad job, EA/DICE, really bad.

  7. (Russia has THE best naval ships in the world and the best nuclear weapons, I'm sure they would listen to them).


    Russians dont have the skill or education to build advanced warships, which is why they buy them from France, whose warships are quite equal to other countries ships, iirc.

    Also, they dont have the best nuclear weapons in the world.

  8. I thought this was supposed to be full, finished version of the game instead a beta with all maps. Crashes as often as the beta.

    First day patch installed?

    Well you would think that it installs it automatically since I can join servers.

    Crashed again. Everything just stops moving so I must Ctrl+Alt+Del and close bf3.exe.

  9. In Operation Guillotine atm. Necrossin told me that multiplayer works, so Im going to stop playing SP immediatelly.

    Don't understand why..SP is really short, why not just finish it?

    Also, someone remake the platoon for Mr. Green.

    Since I couldnt care less about SP. And so far it hasnt been so great, I found the jet mission good looking, but extremely boring.

  10. I heard you need 2 x gtx 580 ... dunno if a gtx 590 can do it alone but i guess it can do it

    DICE said that two GTX580's are needed. But meh.

    Downloading BF3, will be completed by midnight.

    Name is "Nobanaa", add me if already not on my friends list.

  11. When USSR attacked your country, Nobana, USSR attacked not Finland only. Poland also was under attack that time. But listen, what would have happened if Hitler took over the world? The other fact... When the war had stopped, USSR provided every single county which they attacked and which were under attack of Hitler with their resources, though I understand, that you wouldnt forgive for all the killing from the side of Stalin, who was a very cruel man, even with his country.

    Russia might not be a peaceful country when it was USSR. If you think the same nowadays, then that's kinda sucky - indeed everyone will be scared.

    Okay, I'll take your word on Georgia, but I certainly will not accept that. Just proves how succesfull USSR was in their propaganda after the war. Do they teach that shit stuff at school?

    Indeed, USSR did not attack Finland only. Hitler and Stalin had agreed not to attack on each other at that time and had split Europe in to provinces which they would then let each other conquer and rule. USSR did not attack Eastern Europe or Finland to fight Hitler, but to get more territory.

    When a country of the Eastern Bloc had riots/etc. about things like democracy, freedom of speech or about living conditions, USSR supressed those riots, mostly with violence.

    E: Lets get this thread back to Nato/Russia, shall we.

  12. Ohh... hmm... Russia + war... What can I say? I take place in this thread...

    No comment. All I can say is all this article is 100% bullshit.

    If you guys never attempted to watch for the things like:

    -Our history

    -Our premier-minister V. V. Putin, thanks to who the most of the bad things were prevented.

    -We do have attempts on war? Rly? Wow, thats some interesting information I need to know.

    Uhm. Not that I want to offense your country or anything like that, I would just like to ask, what kind of shit does the Sovinist propaganda machine feed for you?

    Lets see:

    -Your history, which I will give only one example, since Im not so keen on Russian history: attacking Finland in November 1939, which started when you shot your own country and said it was Finland = excuse to attack.

    -Well, I kinda like Putin. Though I have seen what kind of image the press gives of Putin in Russia.

    -Remember Georgia few years back?

    Just wanted to say that Russia aint the best example of a peaceful country.

  13. 27'th? What? I thought it's either on the 25'th or the 28'th.

    e: I think the friends/platoons are erased. Anyone mind posting their info, etc? Mine's SilvahDot.

    Miffy got confused. Finland release on the 27th, rest of Europe on 28th(correct me if Im wrong).

    Yes all beta info is erased.

    My name is Nobanaa, feel free to add me in Origin and Battlelog(please add both instead just once).


    I read that EA said a Korean unlocked game will connect to Korean servers.

    The what trick will do what?

    Cant log in to Battlelog, "my account isnt allowed to login". I guess I need the game first.

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