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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Thanks Dkhuf, didnt even know you're still active here. Well if thats the case, Clavus do change it to 33tick if the methods mentioned by Fleeman really work.
  2. If I recall correctly, the server WAS 66tick and the update changed it INTO 33tick? Therefore ruining surf forever. I also recall that after the update it was impossible to switch it back. E: Please do tell if I'm wrong.
  3. Is that date confirmed?
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. Using big text doesnt make you cool.
  6. You rather inform people one week before the event? Rather early than too late. Well not a week but 1-2 months not 7 months. I dont see any harm coming from the early notice. I, for example, should already be reserving plane tickets by now. Anyways back to the topic.
  7. You rather inform people one week before the event? Rather early than too late.
  8. Could we get a poll about the dates to see which would be better for people? I really need confirmation ASAP so I can reserve the plane tickets(if its not too late already).
  9. Got some cheap flight tickets from some kind of discount thingy(only 30€ a ticket), but I must select the flight dates ASAP before they are all full. So as soon as the LAN date is confirmed, Im gona see if the flights arent full and reserve myself a seat. I'd really prefer the 2nd weekend, 22-23 september, if that means I'd be able to arrive one day earlier(21st) or leave one day later(24th). E: I'd be bringing a laptop (and another Xbox360+ more controllers if necessary).
  10. And sometimes its easier to spam an admins name in the chat, and they will get a nickalert in IRC.
  11. So, where would you find this person who would do such a mod for free just because you ask him nicely? Admins take care that telecampers get banned. Also, I dont think 0,50 seconds of god mode would make a difference.
  12. I'd love to. But currently we do not have any free capacity for a new Source-based server. When can you have free capacity again? When you are willing to donate him money monthly to keep the server up.
  13. It's because I was so stupid to make it 24/7 deathrun. And it didn't generate any income. Although I was working on a GC plugin with custom skins etc. Didn't we go to DeathRun only because everyone just wanted to play DeathRun while on the minigame server. I don't think it'll be any different if we'd try it this time. The server changed to Deathrun because few people on the forums thought it would be better. I, like many others resisted. You didnt listen to the guys in the server, you listened to the few people here in the forums. MG/Fun was always more popular than Deathrun, server was populated/full 24/7 before DR came. Also, dont ask for the removal of KotH TF2 server just because you dont like it. It seems to be populated most of the time, which is already a good enough reason to keep it up. Dont do the same mistake as with Fun/MG server.
  14. I dont see a reason to remove any server from any game as long as they have players at least on some part of the day. For example, now KotH has 18/25 players, which is enough to keep it up.
  15. I still want that Fun/MG server back. I would be glad to change my BF3 subscribion into a CSS one. Since BF3 server was an 8-slot server and empty alol the time.
  16. I sometimes laugh at the game. It is the worst game and the worst CoD I have ever played. Everything in it is shit when compared to either previous CoD's or any other FPS games. Playing it just isnt fun, unbalanced weapons, many crappy maps etc. Worst 30€ ever spent. Do not recommend to anyone. Just buy MW1/BO if you want to play Call of Duty.
  17. Oh right, I most likely wouldn't bring my own PC, and if I do, I most surely wont be bringin my monitor.
  18. At the moment, plane tickets to Amsterdam and back to Helsinki would cost a tad over 200€ in total, so unless the price goes down in the summer or something, I probably wont attend. Exept if I get a shitload of cash during the summer. Those were february prices. Tickets in semptember would cost 150€ at their cheapest. If I get a good job for the summer, I'll be there.
  19. That battle would continue 'till the world's end.(Clint would win)
  20. He got killed by the bullet casing.
  21. 35th. Thirty-fucking-fifth. That guy is just a friggin god.
  22. Oh Rachel, how much I miss her.
  23. Too late "Too late". Why couldnt you just say that move on to this topic. Gee, think before you act.
  24. Please, use the god damn search-function.
  25. Best jet round ever. Best round in general ever. Spent the whole round in a jet and got all my points with one. 10698 points, 28 kills, douzens of ribbons and one medal. Im sure MrZunz gets these all the time but for me this is unique and it sure was fucking awesome. Battlereport: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/18795968/1/181622037/
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