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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Navo

  1. Redgord is 16? Heh. Happy birthday.
  3. Because I want everybody to know I haz a PS3, I'm an attention whore you know. No, it indeed was kinda dumb.
  4. nlblackwolfnl - Xfire (don't bother, I never install it) dutchjoost - Steam - PSN (Playstation 3) I don't want friends on my PS3. - Gamertag Xbox 360 - Wii Friend Code (Does that exist?)
  5. Guys: Because you couldn't guess it. Read Nobana's post.
  6. Navo

    New tf2 maps

    How so? You blame your own failure on the map? Custom maps can be damn fun. Our server criteria is that they must look decently too. Nah, I jsut hate to downlaod maps. Also, they usually aren't as good as Valve's.
  7. Navo

    New tf2 maps

    Custom maps ruin the fun for me.
  8. Bored, made this in five minutes, was bored again.
  9. I think we should be used to that now.
  10. Modified TF2? Ugh.
  11. Thanks.
  12. The only thing that caught my attention is that little W Do you mean World of Warcraft? Don't worry, I have it de-installed, I removed the Icon yesterday when I noticed it, game got way 2 boring >.<' Were do you get that dock?
  13. Yes.
  14. I'm using the bfbc2 wallpaper for a while now, time for a change.
  15. Why in earth are you writing in orange?
  16. Navo

    Pick one

    None. Come on, Japaneze?
  17. Soldiers's body, Pyro's mask,Demoman's vest, and a mutated sniper's SMG. And some props.
  18. You can do better then that.
  19. Meh. The only pic I currently have on my camera worth posting. *edit* Don't click on it. :/ *edit 2* The more I look at it, the uglier that pic becomes.
  20. But... You wanted proof, right?
  21. You really, really have no idea how the Bible was created, do you? I see no point in anything you just said. No one has ever said that the bible was created by God. Dude, really, just for example, read the article about Bible from Wikipedia. So basicly the people who wrote the Bible were making shit up.
  22. From the spambot topic: PRICING?! I seriously hope they mean that they will announce wether or not it will be priced, or I will kill them with my BEAR HANDS.
  23. Welcome, I guess the gender rage is over so I wont continue with it.
  24. Navo

    Fallout 3

    You. I think your to jealous Nah, 5000 posts on an other forum is enough, lol. Nah He just thinks im holy about my postcount because its over 1.000. That's all. Wut.
  25. Navo

    Fallout 3

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