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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Navo

  1. <3
  2. Pure art. Nah just trolling Emra.
  4. Navo


    This community is mad. Welcome. You'll fit right in.
  5. Isnt that the weapon the russians bassed their PPSH design on?
  6. Navo

    I quit smoking

    Good boy.
  7. inb4 MW2 guns
  8. Where did you get those posters? And why is there a PS3 with a Xbox360 controller?
  9. I dont like pizza.
  10. Could you draw a metrocop?
  11. I know who he is, but I never talked to him in any way, so Ill just save space for other members.
  12. Who will help me find this hacker and rape him?
  13. You're banned for cheating.
  14. Ban 1337 years Gogogo
  15. You spend like waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many poly's on the end of the thing beneath the barrel.
  16. I see no threads about it here. Or creations done with it in general. This doesn't deserve a thread as I copied straight from a picture and it's just a gun anyway. I liked it so I thought I'd share. Goddamn machineguns are fun to draw. Expect for the bullets. Also some pimp my gun so squirrel will like me: inb4 OMG THATS A M249!!11!!11!one
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  18. Finished.
  19. It's a flashback. Get over it.
  20. This game is fucking awesome.
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