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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by rui_troia

  1. Give that man 20 bucks!
    1. Reiska


      i don't give even 20 fucks

    2. rui_troia
  2. Shiat, I'll rate the song above me later. EDIT: 6.5/10,its okay :>, also is that ost from Bondoocks?
  3. Read moar? I slept for 7 hours, so the first thing I saw was blury letters and the topics above me, but not the first one.
  4. FPS from Fraps or Fraps per Second?
  5. Have a nice celebration of the 21th year you're alive.

  6. EASTER EGG ALERT! Go on http://www.teamfortress.com/mvm/mercs/ then when you see the grenade launcher on the bar station, click on it and then it will appear this:
  7. Once you die, you spectate people, untill the round ends. Then you respawn.
  8. Stop the fonts or I'm going to murder you. Mercy on me D:
  9. I bet its coming this year still . If not, next year. THE MESSIAH OF THE LAMBDA IS NEAR!
  10. r4ph stole my position, aww I'm rank 27 again..
  11. My reaction, actually: y u so worried? Lets survive the robot horde, we already survived the zombie !
  12. Raper (Slender) Call of Rape Unrapechanical Rapers must die Deus sex: Rape Evolution Rape House 2
  13. GRAB YOUR STONE ROCKS AND WOODEN PLANKS! Lets survive the robot apocalypse.
  14. Played it, it's sexy and easy for newfags. But the achievements are just insane .
  15. Good....God. Gaben marry me, plz.
  16. But yet, you should add titles for the Zombie Team, so it wouldnt have the feeling ''You're zombie, you're fucked.''.
  17. Mr.Green TF2 100% populated = Make 2fort 24/7 server. Nuff said. Oh and about the payload server, I can only say that add a automatic kick for people who are afk for more than 3 minutes, no more ideas from me.
  18. The second testing was a sucess http://www.jc-mp.com/forums/index.php/topic,638.0.html?PHPSESSID=j4um15gdda77jlmtbqtrg4c625
  19. Add a limit for Fast zombie and Zombine.
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