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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by rui_troia


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quert


      So nazi dad inbued your favourite drinks with a Truth serum? you'll always be forced to say what's on your mind? That's sad... we will all get mindfucked by that

    3. Frizzy


      Charlie Sheen wishes he were you.

    4. Frizzy


      Charlie Sheen wishes he were you.

  2. This video was made a year ago, still I was in puberty changing so my voice may suck badly. I reccomend you to low down the volume. DEM VIDEO
  3. ''The Internet's boss was bleeding, all my friends and Greenies were leaving the boss and running away from the Internet's boss's Monastery,but the Internet boss closed the gates and cutted my friends in Half with his sword. I was in the floor, still in the vortessence and I managed to pick up my revolver and shot the last bullet to His face, he managed to die... but was all the sacrifice needed?'' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbi9h0Lhj98

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. terminator


      Next story i want to be the main character

    3. Quert


      Brace yourselves for another weird story.

    4. Sacrevy


      Put these together with the sound tracks.

  4. ''The door opened, we registred some deaths while defending... their names shall be remembered. The Undead stopped coming and the door finnaly opened, we got in and the Internet boss picked up his dad sword and aimed at us. We loaded our weapons and crowbars, together we will eliminate Him.''

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Damien


      You should make a topic, so we can read back our adventure :D

    3. Quert


      Stop taking drugs.

    4. Mr. Darkness
  5. ''We finnaly breached the Internet's boss room, me and the Greenies and Little Greenies had to defend our tech guy, Reap3r, so he could open that gigant door,meanwhile we heard demons and undead screamings on the distance, our task is to defend the position... No matter it costs, let the Vortal combat begin.''

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Balmung


      I don't even know whats going on here anymore.

    3. Frizzy


      I never knew what was going on.

  6. ''We finnaly breached the enemy perimeter. We got in the gigant building and released a prisioner named Messy, we tought that he lefted us but he was captured, we gave him some weapons to fight but, at that momment, enemy sirens were lissened and the Undead Internetial Legion members came, we loaded our weapons and made our way trough the Infernal House, and kill the Internet's boss daughter.'' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVCbF2Kk708

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quert


      This story is pretty much like a tranq...


    3. Reap3r


      I only see BS.

      It should have ended with the first story with me shooting the boss in the head while you are holding him.

    4. rui_troia


      Your turn to appear in the story, Reap3r AKA Goldon Freeman.

  7. ''Later on that day, the Greenies and Little Greenies has found a little squad of scout units from Mr.Green, later the big squad got divided, I stayed with Frizzy and Hundred2... Together we would walk in that dark sewer...''

    1. Frizzy


      There we are. The Frizzmeister has arrived. :3

    2. rui_troia


      Now I must watch porn to get some inspiration.

    3. rui_troia


      Now I must watch porn to get some inspiration.

  8. ''But yet, many Internet Demons remained alive, so Clavus has sent a squad of Greenies and Little Greenies, the squad was composed by Hundred2, rui_troia,Quert,boxie,Pufulet,Baron Baconeer,Dr.Minky and terminator, together, they will eliminate the Internet Demons from Internetearth''

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frizzy


      This post lacks Frizzy.

    3. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      That's because you're DEAAAAAD

    4. Frizzy


      *puts a translucent hand through his translucent chest*

      Well f*** me, you're right o.o'

  9. True.
  10. ''After the long 100 years war, Clavus managed to make the Internet's boss bleeding alot, the Internet's boss felt down and gives to Clavus All the power of the Internet and could make one single wish that would became true, Clavus told that everthing wanted to come back as it was a long time ago... Calm.''

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Balmung


      Fun fact: 100 years war started in the year 1337

    3. rui_troia


      The next history, Hundred2 will be in it. Will think about it now and write tomorrow.

    4. Hundred2


      Aww sweet.

  11. (Note:this was a thread request by a few friends on the forums a long time ago.)
  12. ''After the long battle for the Internet boss, many Greenies that went to that mission remained dead, Clavus carryes Ywa on his arms and looks in the face of the infernal Internet boss, laughting at the dead greenies, Clavus takes his gigant sword and fight in a battle that lasts 100 years against the Internet boss''

    1. Hundred2


      Did I died?

    2. Baron Baconeer
    3. Reiska


      internet boss is a fat nerd with 100 computers in his ass

  13. This song is played when Dr.Minky, Pufulet, Bawxie, Clavus, Ywa, Frizzy and all the greenies face the final boss of Internet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocZuzDk5LTY

  14. I've made a Half-Life and a Silent hill Remix http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4qYRaMnDRc

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Quert


      LOL wtf is this?

    3. rui_troia


      brb, I will ask my mindfucked part of my brain what is happening.

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N4exr15q3U I made COD fanboys being Half-Life people with this video.
    1. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Old but awesome.

  16. IW is diing again. Preparing its funeral...
  17. rui_troia

    Day Z

    This gamemode sounds interesing. Opinionons anyone?
  18. Facka In Portuguese means Knife.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TechnoNegro


      Hittokun tällä prkln kännykällä on vaikee kirjottaa D:

    3. Sacrevy


      يمارس الجنس مع الرجال وكنت تفعل؟ ? =/

    4. Sacrevy


      Do not translate that, google translate makes me poop my pants.

  19. I am Impressed. Good thing I've found you as Narrator for the IW Trailer, Mr.Frizzy.
  20. I am tryng to see if you people want to participate on the Infected Wars Trailer.

  21. I am tryng to see if you people want to participate on the Infected Wars Trailer.

  22. So this is why Episode 3 has been delayed...

    1. TechnoNegro


      Umm, Nope. It's just me Gabe Newell.

    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      the end is just honestly funny.
  23. My love for Half-Life cant be expressed in Gaming, I must see it everyday.
  24. Main City Vista. Note that I will live there again in 4 weeks
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